Apr 27, 2010
As the weather grows warmer and the school year draws to a close, college students start scrambling to finish semester projects, study for exams, and finalize summer plans. Caught up in the hectic whirlwind that so often accompanies this time of year, it can be easy to let our prayer lives fall to the side as we focus on all the urgent things that demand our attention. But instead of losing track of our priorities, let’s remember why prayer is so important and look for ways to make it part of our everyday lives.
Sometimes it is tempting to make excuses by telling ourselves that we are just going through an especially busy phase, and when our lives calm down a little, we will have more time to pray. After this tough project is finished, or as soon as this sports season ends, or next semester when our schedule is easier, we will get back into a regular prayer routine. But if we stop to think about our future, we will probably realize that life is not going to get less busy after college. We will simply have new things to fill our time. Classes and extracurricular activities will be replaced with a family and a job, which will be just as demanding as college is now. Prayer helps us maintain a strong relationship with God, and that is something we should never compromise. We need to make prayer a part of our daily lives now, so that we are used to finding time to pray every day, no matter how busy our current or future stages of life may seem.
My own personal experience has taught me that when I make Christ the top priority in my life, everything else seems to fall into place. Some days, I am so bogged down with things to do, I am tempted to shove my prayer life to the side. When I do so, I always continue to be overwhelmed. But when I take time out of my crazy schedule to spend a little while with God, somehow everything else manages to get done. And that time I spend in prayer helps me to regain my focus on what is really important, washing away my stress and anxiety, and bringing me peace.
God will never be outdone in generosity. If we are generous with our time, giving Him not only our surplus but our basic time each day in prayer, He will bless us and provide for us. And it is important to remember that all of our time on this earth is a gift from God. If each minute is a blessing from Him, how we can possibly say that we are too busy to give any back?