Asia - Pacific News


Bishop of Orlando calls on Bush to work for greater immigration reform

Jan 13, 2005

Bishop Thomas Wenski of Orlando said this week the immigration reform proposed by President George W. Bush is “insufficient,” and... Read more


Debate on same-sex marriage causes rift among Christian churches in Canada

Jan 10, 2005

The same-sex marriage debate has caused a rift in the ecumenical movement in southwestern Ontario.  Read more


Sri Lankan President Expresses Gratitude to Catholic Bishops

Jan 6, 2005

On Tuesday, Sri Lankan president Chandrika Kumaratunga met with a delegation from the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of Sri Lanka (CBCSL)... Read more


Church helping to get aid to most isolated areas in Thailand

Jan 5, 2005

Bishop Joseph Parthan of the Diocese of Surat Thani in Thailand said the Church in that country is preparing to... Read more


Military hopes retreat will help recruit more priests for the army

Dec 12, 2004

The U.S. Army and its chaplains are hoping to recruit Catholic priests to serve in the Pacific theater, reported Stars... Read more


Canadian bishops call for more debate after Supreme Court judgment

Dec 9, 2004

The Supreme Court of Canada may have issued its judgment on same-sex marriage, but the debate isn’t over yet, said... Read more


Canadians want traditional family: study

Dec 9, 2004

After a Supreme Court judgment yesterday, the Canadian Liberal government is intent on legalizing same-sex marriage. This, despite the fact... Read more


Canada’s Supreme Court issues ‘opinion’ but not ‘ruling’ in favor of same-sex marriage

Dec 8, 2004

The Supreme Court of Canada issued its judgment this morning on same-sex marriage, stating that the federal government has the... Read more


Same-sex ‘marriage’ to become law in Canada by end of December, says justice minister

Dec 8, 2004

Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said the federal government will move quickly to legalize same-sex marriage by the end of... Read more


Pope mockumentary wins top ticket at Canadian film fest

Dec 7, 2004

A mock documentary about a Jewish man who tries to meet Pope John Paul II while dressed as the devil,... Read more


People who belong to “no religion” are second largest religious group in Canada

Dec 1, 2004

The second largest religious group in Canada, after Catholics, are those who identify themselves as belonging to “no religion,” according... Read more


Supreme Court of Canada to rule on same-sex marriage

Nov 30, 2004

The Supreme Court of Canada has announced that it will render its decision on the constitutionality of the federal government’s... Read more


Catholic television becomes national in Canada

Nov 28, 2004

Canada’s first Catholic television network is now available coast to coast through Bell ExpressVu satellite television on channel 654. Salt... Read more


Canadian Justice Minister calls for debate on assisted suicide

Nov 21, 2004

Canadian Justice Minister Irwin Cotler said Nov. 17 that debate on assisted suicide should be reopened in Parliament and that... Read more


Seventh Canadian jurisdiction legalizes same-sex marriage

Nov 7, 2004

The seventh of 13 Canadian jurisdictions legalized same-sex marriage Nov. 5. A Saskatchewan court ruled that the traditional definition of... Read more


Indian Christian deported from Saudi Arabia

Nov 2, 2004

Brian Savio O’Connor, the Indian Christian who was condemned to 10 months in prison and 300 lashes in Saudi Arabia,... Read more


Nova Scotians vote against Sunday shopping

Nov 1, 2004

The majority of Nova Scotians voted “No” to Sunday shopping in a referendum in mid-October, making the Atlantic province the... Read more


Fundamentalist attacks strengthen faith of Catholics in India

Nov 1, 2004

The president of the Bishops Conference of India, Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, stated this week the attacks by Hindu fundamentalists, rather... Read more


Philippines priestly formation program targets problem of homosexuality among seminarians

Nov 1, 2004

The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines’s new Program for Priestly Formation has included express guidelines to help seminary directors... Read more


Privatization of water ‘a sin’, says Catholic South African activist

Oct 28, 2004

While street protests in South Africa recall images of the fight against apartheid, the current struggle in the southern-most African... Read more