Europe News


Polish priests spied on John Paul II, says cardinal

Sep 5, 2006

Pope John Paul II was spied on in the Vatican by priests who acted as informers for secret services in... Read more


Central African Republic bishop says Church has “great moral authority”

Sep 5, 2006

“In a country that is still being plagued by civil unrest and where the government is weak, the Catholic Church... Read more


Archbishop defends firefighters disciplined for refusing to attend gay pride parade

Sep 4, 2006

The Archbishop of Glasgow condemned, this week, the decision to discipline nine firefighters for refusing to hand out safety leaflets... Read more


Southern Germany overcome with papal “fever”

Sep 4, 2006

Southern Germany is overcome with enthusiasm and expectation for the upcoming visit of Pope Benedict XVI.  Read more

Pope may outline his thoughts on evolution meeting

Sep 4, 2006

A scientist invited to take part in Pope Benedict XVI’s recent symposium on creation and evolution told APCom today that... Read more


Vatican Cardinal voices support for Scottish prelates in their nuclear weapons protest

Sep 4, 2006

Cardinal Renato Martino, President of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, announced today his support for the Bishops... Read more

Benedict praises “administrative qualities and moral integrity” of Gregory the Great

Sep 3, 2006

Pilgrims gathering to pray the Angelus with Pope Benedict XVI at the Pontifical residence at Castelgandolfo yesterday, were reminded of... Read more


Spanish Catholic organization helping poor farmers to acquire new business skills

Sep 3, 2006

The Catholic foundation Manos Unidos, based in Valencia, has launched project to help 160 poor farm workers—mostly single and illiterate... Read more


New Vatican Secretary of State took job after seeing John Paul II in dream

Aug 31, 2006

It took a dream of Pope John Paul II to convince Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone to accept Pope Benedict’s invitation to... Read more


Marian Day of the Family to provide follow-up for Pope’s Valencia meeting

Aug 31, 2006

In order to confirm the commitments made to the family and human life during the World Meeting of Families last... Read more


Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos to open museum on monastic life

Aug 30, 2006

The famous Benedictine Abbey of Santo Domingo de Silos has announced it will open a museum on monasticism at the... Read more


Church needs young people who “listen and respond” to the call of God, says Spanish bishop

Aug 30, 2006

During a Mass celebrating the transfer of the relics of St. Atilano, a ninth century Spanish youth who decided to... Read more

Pope Benedict says the conversion story of St. Francis, the “playboy,” is key

Aug 30, 2006

The Holy Father met this morning with priests from the Diocese of Albano, a diocese on the outskirts of Rome,... Read more


As voice of Catholicism in Argentina decreases, social problems increse, nun says

Aug 29, 2006

Sister Elisa Monachesi, Provincial Superior of the Schoenstatt Sisters in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, said that the Church in Argentina... Read more


German parliament invites Benedict XVI to commemorate 50th anniversary of Treaties of Rome

Aug 29, 2006

The president of the German parliament, Christian Democrat Norbert Lammert, has invited Pope Benedict XVI to issue a statement next... Read more


Abortion becomes hot issue in Nicaraguan elections

Aug 28, 2006

A candidate for the presidency in Nicaragua has sparked a heated public debate after his public comments in support of... Read more


Human Genome director rejects use of science to deny existence of God

Aug 28, 2006

The director of the Human Genome Project, Francis Collins, says he believes in miracles and rejects the use of science... Read more


Priest says the Mass helps tiny Turkmenistanian Church survive

Aug 28, 2006

Father Andrzej Madej, OMI, head of the mission ‘sui-iuris’ in Turkmenistan, spoke to Aid to the Church in Need recently... Read more

Cardinal Bertone: a reform in the Roman Curia is indeed possible

Aug 28, 2006

Two weeks before starting his duties as the new Vatican secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone declared that a reform... Read more


Pope calls for changes in lifestyles that harm creation

Aug 27, 2006

At the conclusion of the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI told Italian pilgrims that Christians should work to stop... Read more