US News


Bishops’ Conference headquarters in Colombia site of negotiations between government and Marxist rebels

Jan 24, 2006

The headquarters of the Bishops’ Conference of Colombia has become the theater for negotiations between government leaders and the spokesman... Read more


US bishops name 16 new members to National Advisory Council

Jan 24, 2006

Sixteen new members have been added to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' National Advisory Council. The 63-member council... Read more


Alito off to full Senate, groups urge swift vote

Jan 24, 2006

The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday approved the nomination of Samuel Alito Jr. to the U.S. Supreme Court. The 10-to-8 party-line... Read more


Students launch Catholic Think Tank series at Notre Dame

Jan 24, 2006

The Catholic Think Tank of America Lecture Series, a student initiative at the University of Notre Dame, was launched yesterday... Read more


Archbishop Chaput: Christian case for marriage is one of liberation and human dignity

Jan 24, 2006

As the case for traditional marriage between a husband and wife continues to come under fire by some same-sex proponents,... Read more

Pro-lifers converge on Washington for March for Life

Jan 23, 2006

More than 100,000 Americans converged on the nation's capital for the March for Life yesterday. The event marked the anniversary... Read more


Schiavo husband remarries in Catholic Church

Jan 23, 2006

On Saturday, Michael Schiavo, former husband of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, who died of forced starvation last spring, married his long-time... Read more


Notre Dame University president questions stance of University towards controversial events on Campus

Jan 23, 2006

The new University of Notre Dame president questioned Monday whether controversial events should take place on campus or be sponsored... Read more


Opus Dei says film version of Da Vinci Code should receive adult rating

Jan 22, 2006

Opus Dei is urging film ratings boards to give the film The Da Vinci Code an adult rating because it... Read more


Florida bishops urge governor to grant clemency to two on death row

Jan 22, 2006

Florida's bishops have urged Gov. Jeb Bush to consider granting clemency to two convicted murderers who are scheduled for execution... Read more


Ayotte decision on parental notification has limitations, say US bishops

Jan 22, 2006

The Supreme Court’s 9-0 decision in Ayotte v. Planned Parenthood of Northern New England regarding New Hampshire’s parental notification law... Read more


Democrats not holding to promises for Catholic outreach, says Catholic League

Jan 22, 2006

The Democratic National Committee has not developed Catholic outreach or rethought its position on abortion despite promises it made after... Read more


Sacrifice of unborn babies can become triumphant in the light of Christ, pastor tells large crowd at Denver Cathedral

Jan 22, 2006

Hundreds of Catholics young and old alike--including a number of small children wearing shirts emblazoned with the words, ‘I’m a... Read more


First Bishop named by Pope Benedict ordained head of Sioux City

Jan 22, 2006

On Friday, at Sioux City, Iowa’s Church of the Nativity, Denver’s Monsignor Walker Nickless was ordained as the first bishop... Read more


Teacher says potentially far more lucrative, to sue the Catholic Church, or any church or private organization, than it is to sue the local public school district

Jan 22, 2006

In a column last week in the Denver Rocky Mountain News, by Susan Malone Maier, a teacher at Denver’s Saint... Read more


President addresses "March for Life" Participants over the phone.

Jan 22, 2006

Today around noon, U.S president George W. Bush addressed over the phone the crowd gathered in front of Capitol Hill... Read more


Washington archdiocese to open new H.S. geared to low-income students

Jan 19, 2006

The Archdiocese of Washington has partnered with the Salesians of Don Bosco to open a new high school, which will... Read more


Still rebuilding after Katrina, Catholic aid program gives $515,000

Jan 19, 2006

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) today announced the awarding of more than half a million dollars in special... Read more


Legal appeal challenges civil no-fault divorce unconstitutional

Jan 19, 2006

An Ohio mother of four has launched a constitutional appeal against an Ohio civil divorce and custody decision, arguing her... Read more


New feminism expert becomes weekly contributor on ‘Catholic Connection’

Jan 19, 2006

Ethicist and moral theologian Pia de Solenni will be a weekly guest on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo, a syndicated... Read more