US News


Bishops oppose barriers along U.S.-Mexico border

Oct 11, 2006

Bishop William Skylstad, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), sent a letter to President George W. Bush... Read more


Archdioceses work to meet need for low-income housing

Oct 11, 2006

Archdioceses across the U.S. are assisting families and seeking to alleviate their hardship by providing low-income housing. Two archbishops will... Read more


Two new auxiliaries for Boston Archdiocese

Oct 11, 2006

Cardinal Sean O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston, has offered his thanks to Pope Benedict XVI this morning, after the Holy Father... Read more


Learn from Pentecostals, says Cardinal Kasper

Oct 10, 2006

Instead of simply criticizing Pentecostal churches that draw Catholics as members, Catholic leaders should consider why their parishes aren't meeting... Read more


Holy See emphasizes development of low-income countries at UN

Oct 10, 2006

Made public this morning was an address given by the Holy See’s Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Archbishop Celestino... Read more


Cardinal Martino to speak at Minnesota breakfast event

Oct 9, 2006

Cardinal Renato Martino, former Holy See representative to the United Nations, will speak at an ecumenical Faith and Work Breakfast... Read more


Catholic men are called to ‘stand up and be counted’

Oct 9, 2006

Catholic men in the Mid-South are invited to stand up and be counted at the first-ever Men's Morning of Spirituality... Read more


Former Vatican envoy says Pope was surprised by reaction to comments re Islam

Oct 9, 2006

A former Vatican envoy told he believes the violent reaction to Pope Benedict XVI’s comments about radical Islam served... Read more


Saint’s heart draws hundreds closer to God

Oct 8, 2006

Hundreds of people filed into Curé of Ars Parish in Merrick, N.Y., Saturday to pray before the uncorrupted heart of... Read more


Cardinal O’Malley won’t stop blogging

Oct 8, 2006

What started as an experiment for Cardinal Sean O’Malley has become a new and regular means of evangelical outreach. The... Read more


New book challenges Catholics to play role in public square

Oct 8, 2006

This weekend Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix launched a new booklet, challenging Catholics to take a more active part in... Read more

Cardinal Keeler injured in fatal accident

Oct 8, 2006

Cardinal William H. Keeler, Archbishop of Baltimore is recovering today after being involved in a car accident which left one... Read more


Christian-Muslim dialogue impossible if persecution of non-Muslims continues

Oct 5, 2006

The starting point for any inter-faith dialogue must be a discussion of the willingness of Islamic governments to stop the... Read more


Pro-family legal groups applauding California court’s decision in favor of same-sex marriage ban

Oct 5, 2006

Several pro-family legal centers are celebrating a ruling yesterday by the California Court of Appeals, which reversed a lower court’s... Read more


Rep. Foley disclosure reinforces idea that homosexual men should not be priests, Catholic group says

Oct 4, 2006

The revelation of former Congressman Mark Foley that a priest abused him as a teen further indicates that homosexuals should... Read more


Boston to welcome relic of patron saint of parish priests

Oct 4, 2006

The heart of St. John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests, will be brought to New York and Boston from... Read more


Pro-life groups say pro-abortion petition misleading

Oct 4, 2006

The fall issue of Ms. Magazine features a cover story that celebrates abortion and includes more than 1,000 signatures of... Read more


Spokane diocese to sell bishop's office to pay sex-abuse claims

Oct 3, 2006

The Diocese of Spokane is selling its pastoral center to help cover $81 million in claims, mostly by victims of... Read more


Copts call on Rice to discuss human rights, religious freedom in Egypt

Oct 3, 2006

The American Coptic Union (ACU) is urging Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to discuss the continued human rights abuses of... Read more


Archbishop says public leaders, who claim to be Catholic but do not act on Gospel, are deceiving themselves

Oct 3, 2006

Political and community leaders are called to change the world with justice and charity, and with a greater love for... Read more