US News


Thirty-three parishes in Fargo to close by 2010

Aug 22, 2004

Thirty-three parishes in rural North Dakota will close within the next six years due a shift of the population to... Read more


U.S. expected to grow while rest of world shrinks, says report

Aug 19, 2004

A report released this week claims that almost all of the developed world will face serious and sustained population decline... Read more


Bishops issue Q&A flyer on stem-cell research

Aug 19, 2004

In an effort to provide more information on the Catholic Church's position on stem-cell research and human cloning, the U.S.... Read more


Editor of National Catholic Reporter resents blow to “impact” story

Aug 19, 2004

Tom Roberts, editor of the liberal weekly newspaper  National Catholic Reporter  wrote an  editorial column yesterday expressing his resentment with... Read more


Trenton diocese invalidates girl’s first Communion because of use of substitute wafer

Aug 19, 2004

An 8 year old girl who is unable to eat wheat has had her first Communion invalidated by the diocese... Read more


Employees accuse Planned Parenthood of racism, file claims with employment commission

Aug 19, 2004

Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles is the subject of multiple complaints of racism, filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity... Read more

Direct involvement by U.S. necessary for resolution of crisis in Darfur, says bishop

Aug 18, 2004

In a telephone press conference given yesterday, Bishop John H. Ricard, SSJ, chairman of the USCCB International Policy Committee, expressed... Read more


Catholic leader regrets ‘low-brow tactics’ of newspaper aimed at discrediting him

Aug 18, 2004

The publisher of a leading Catholic magazine regrets the “low-brow tactics” of a left-wing newspaper, which is planning on publishing... Read more


First Vietnamese parish in U.S. marks 25th anniversary

Aug 18, 2004

Bursting with life and activity, the first Vietnamese parish in the United States marked its 25th anniversary last weekend with... Read more


California Episcopal parishes break from church over gay bishop

Aug 18, 2004

Two Episcopal parishes in southern California announced Aug. 17 that they have left the U.S. Episcopal Church, in reaction to... Read more


Ignoring sex difference harms society, says scholar

Aug 17, 2004

Women, men and their children are not well served by a society that fails to acknowledge the inherent differences between... Read more


Catholic music festival to rock Midwest

Aug 17, 2004

The American Midwest will host the United States’ largest Catholic music festival next month for the second year. St. Louis... Read more


U.S. bishops up efforts for Sudan

Aug 16, 2004

The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has issued a call for prayers and a special collection... Read more


National clergy leader urges voters to take pro-life convictions into voting booth

Aug 16, 2004

This year’s presidential elections are pivotal for the pro-life movement, says Fr. Frank Pavone. With that focus, the director of... Read more


Pro-lifers win right to demonstrate in front of abortion clinic

Aug 16, 2004

It was a major win for pro-life demonstrators in the City of West Palm Beach, where a federal judge ruled... Read more


Why Hispanic Catholics don’t give money…

Aug 15, 2004

A few months ago, Bishop Jose Gomez, Auxiliary of Denver, and one of the leading voices of Hispanic Catholicism in... Read more


Catholic Charities collects funds to aid hurricane victims

Aug 15, 2004

In the wake of Hurricane Charley, which has left up to 15 dead and thousands homeless in Florida this past... Read more


Judges allow teens bypass notification law, have abortion without telling parents

Aug 15, 2004

Pro-life supporters are upset that judges are granting girls permission to bypass a new parental-notification law and to avoid notifying... Read more


California Supreme Court nullifies 4000 same-sex marriages

Aug 12, 2004

California’s Supreme court has invalidated nearly 4,000 marriage licenses issued to gay couples this year in San Francisco, unanimously ruling... Read more


Catholic League calls on Kerry to ‘condemn’ Catholics for Kerry Web site

Aug 12, 2004

The Catholic League says Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry should “condemn” the Catholics for Kerry 04 Web site for having... Read more