US News


U.S. bishops to adopt national marriage initiative

Jun 19, 2005

Spurred by the current state of marriage and the debate on same-sex unions, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)... Read more


US bishops commit to protection of children

Jun 19, 2005

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has acknowledged the mistakes made by some bishops in transferring abusive priests from one... Read more


U.S. bishops renew commitment to Catholic schools

Jun 19, 2005

The United States bishops have renewed their commitment to supporting Catholic schools across the country into the new millennium.  Read more


New faith-based schools for Detroit in the fall

Jun 19, 2005

The Archdiocese of Detroit may have new faith-based schools by the fall. The archbishop of Detroit, Adam Cardinal Maida, said... Read more


Short film captures faith of student killed at Columbine

Jun 19, 2005

Rachel Scott was killed during the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, after refusing at gunpoint to deny her faith... Read more

USCCB approves budget for new study on causes of sexual abuse

Jun 16, 2005

The U.S. bishops decided Friday to approve a $1-million budget for new research on the "Causes and Context Study" of... Read more


Bishops to issue document on death penalty

Jun 16, 2005

The U.S. bishops have voted to draft a document stating Catholic doctrine regarding the death penalty. Read more


Pregnant woman kept on life support to save baby

Jun 16, 2005

A Catholic man has committed to keeping his 26-year-old pregnant wife alive on life support in hopes that their baby... Read more


Debate over gay-friendly books in public libraries rages in southern US

Jun 16, 2005

Public libraries in southern U.S. states have begun stocking gay-friendly books, and this has launched intense debate in local communities. Read more


Autopsy reveals Terri Schiavo's brain was atrophied, dehydration caused death

Jun 15, 2005

A much-anticipated autopsy report confirmed yesterday that Terri Schiavo died of dehydration. Medical examiners said they were surprised by the... Read more


Catholic Charities says budget must protect most vulnerable

Jun 15, 2005

As budget negotiations continue in Congress, Catholic Charities USA is urging House and Senate appropriators to adopt 12 priorities that... Read more


Retired bishop of Altoona-Johnstown dies

Jun 15, 2005

A retired bishop of Altoona-Johnstown died Monday at a nursing home in Hollidaysburg. Bishop-emeritus James Hogan was 93. Read more


Church's Commitment to protect children and youth remains strong, Cardinal George says

Jun 15, 2005

During the Spring meeting of the USCCB being held at the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago, Cardinal Francis George, vice president... Read more


Autopsy report on Terri Schiavo to be released today

Jun 14, 2005

The medical examiner's office plans to release its autopsy report on Terri Schiavo today. Her parents and siblings hope the... Read more


New Jersey court rules in support of heterosexual marriage

Jun 14, 2005

A New Jersey Appellate Court ruled  yesterday that the state Constitution does not include same-sex couples in its definition of... Read more


Court rules that Holocaust survivors' lawsuit against the Vatican can proceed

Jun 14, 2005

A ruling this week by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld an earlier decision that Holocaust survivors can... Read more


New prefect for Church doctrine has credentials, says Catholic analyst

Jun 14, 2005

As the new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop William Levada will be challenged to... Read more


Voucher program breathes new life into Catholic schools

Jun 13, 2005

Washington’s Catholic schools are growing as the result of a new federal voucher program that provides low-income students with grants... Read more


US scientists identify brain stem cells, strengthens case for adult stem-cell research

Jun 13, 2005

American scientists say they have found a way to identify brain stem cells and make them multiply to treat degenerative... Read more


Federal funding increased for abstinence programs

Jun 13, 2005

The U.S. government has increased funding for the the Community-Based Abstinence Education (CBAE) grant program by $11 million for 2006. Read more