US News


Archbishop Chaput calls Schiavo’s starvation an ‘attack on the sanctity of human life’

Mar 22, 2005

Yesterday, in the wake of Florida Federal Judge James Whittemore’s decision not to reinsert brain-damaged Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube, which... Read more


Poll finds American’s morals increasingly influenced by the Pope

Mar 22, 2005

A poll conducted by ABC News recently found that more American Catholics see their moral views influenced by Pope John... Read more


Bishops support Fr. Pavone’s idea to found new pro-life religious community

Mar 22, 2005

The pro-life movement will soon have a new ally. Today, Fr. Frank Pavone, head of the group, Priests for Life... Read more


Catholic singles gather to discuss chastity

Mar 22, 2005

A comprehensive program at St. Anne’s Church helps single Catholics live chastity and offers services that promote life.  Read more

Terri's life may be in Gobernor Bush's hands

Mar 22, 2005

A second U.S. court of appeals today denied the replacement of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo's feeding tube. The latest decision comes... Read more


Judge rule against reinserting Terri’s feeding tube draws strong criticism

Mar 21, 2005

A federal judge ruled this morning that Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube would not be reinserted.  Read more


Terri Schiavo begins her Passion with Holy Week: Orlando bishop

Mar 21, 2005

Bishop Thomas Wenski issued a powerful defense of the life of Terri Schiavo this week in a commentary published in... Read more


Archbishop O'Malley to wash women's feet Holy Thursday

Mar 21, 2005

After angering women during Holy Week last year, Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley decided that he will wash the feet of... Read more

Congress acts in favor of Schiavo’s life; feeding tube could be reinserted today

Mar 20, 2005

After four tumultuous days of legal battling and heated debate, congress finally agreed on legislation, which could save the life... Read more


US bishops launch campaign against death penalty

Mar 20, 2005

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a campaign today to end the use of the death penalty in... Read more


Pro-family groups praise President, Congress for defending Terri’s life

Mar 20, 2005

Pro-family organizations are praising President George W. Bush and Congress for passing legislation early Monday, defending the life of Terri... Read more


US bishops welcome Vatican notification on book by US Jesuit priest

Mar 20, 2005

The United States bishops have welcomed the Vatican’s decision concerning the book “Jesus, Symbol of God,” by Fr. Roger Haight,... Read more


Club owner denied funeral rites due to business activity: San Diego diocese

Mar 20, 2005

The chancellor of the Diocese of San Diego says the bishop denied a man a Catholic funeral because his business... Read more


House to issue subpoena in last minute attempt to save Schiavo

Mar 17, 2005

Yesterday, the House and Senate struggled to pass a bill agreeable to both groups of lawmakers. While the House managed... Read more


Bush issues statement on Terri Schiavo; pro-life groups vow not to give up

Mar 17, 2005

Yesterday, on the eve of the scheduled starvation of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo, President George Bush issued a formal statement speaking... Read more


U.S. Senate passes bill that could save Terri Schiavo by voice vote

Mar 17, 2005

Senator Mel Martinez’s (R-FL) private relief bill to aid Terri Schiavo passed the Senate by a voice vote yesterday.  Read more


Abortion still included in Millennium Development Goals

Mar 17, 2005

Universal access to reproductive health, which includes abortion, should be included in the United Nation’s strategy for the Millennium Development... Read more


Wisconsin Bishop praises firefighters for protecting Eucharist

Mar 17, 2005

While Bishop Robert Morlino is still lamenting the gutting of St. Raphael Cathedral, spiritual home of nearly 270,000 Catholics in... Read more


Florida judge blocks removal of Schiavo’s feeding tube

Mar 17, 2005

A Florida judge has temporarily blocked the removal of Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube past today’s scheduled 1:00pm EST deadline. Read more


Congress calls Terri Schiavo to Washington

Mar 17, 2005

In a race to beat a 1:00pm EST court ordered deadline to remove the feeding tube of brain-damaged Terri Schiavo,... Read more