Vatican News


Pope Calls for a “Vigilant Commitment” to youth during meeting with Roman officials

Jan 12, 2005

This morning at the Vatican, the Holy Father received the mayor of Rome and the presidents of the region of... Read more

Pope to travel to Germany for World Youth Day in August 2005, Vatican official confirms

Jan 11, 2005

In response to questions by journalists today, Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls stated that the Vatican will officially... Read more


Vatican wants U.S. to “finish job in Iraq,” says Ambassador

Jan 11, 2005

The U.S. ambassador to the Vatican responded to comments made by Pio Cardinal Laghi Monday that President George Bush has... Read more


Pope praises courage of Christian Martyrs during General Audience

Jan 11, 2005

In today's general audience, which was held in the Paul VI Hall, the Pope praised the Christian martyrs who, "chose... Read more


Pope Mourns Death of Belgian Cardinal

Jan 10, 2005

The Church today mourns the death of Cardinal Jan P. Schotte, C.I.C.M. in Rome yesterday at the age of 76. Read more


Italian cardinal says Bush was ‘wrong’ in promising quick resolution in Iraq

Jan 10, 2005

In an interview yesterday on Catholic Italian television, Pio Cardinal Laghi said President George W. Bush was “wrong” in saying... Read more


Pope Prays for “Renewed Proclamation of the Gospel” Among Byzantine Catholics

Jan 10, 2005

“Communion and Proclaiming the Gospel” was the theme of a meeting today in Rome in which Pope John Paul II... Read more

In wake of tragic year, Pope says to the world-“Do not be overcome by evil”

Jan 9, 2005

This morning at 11 in the Regia Hall, John Paul II met with the members of the diplomatic corps accredited... Read more


Pope Challenges New Cuban Ambassador to Promote Religious Freedom

Jan 9, 2005

This morning, the Pope received the Letters of Credence of the new ambassador from the Republic of Cuba, Raul Roa... Read more


Pope voices call to youth to “Put out into the Deep”

Jan 9, 2005

Made public today was the Holy Father's message for the 42nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations, to be held... Read more


Pope invites rediscovery of Baptism

Jan 9, 2005

The Pope's Angelus reflections today, the feast of the Baptism of Jesus, highlighted this sacrament which he said the Evangelists... Read more


Vatican Shares Artifacts With Israel in Hopes of Furthering Unity

Jan 9, 2005

Soon, the Vatican will present the works of Moses Maimonides, one of the most influential figures in modern Jewish thought... Read more

On Feast of the Epiphany, Pope invites youth to World Youth Day in Cologne

Jan 5, 2005

Pope John Paul II today called on the youth of the world to converge in Cologne, Germany, for the 20th... Read more


Pope prays for child victims of disaster in Asia

Jan 5, 2005

During the Angelus today, Pope John Paul II prayed for the children who died in the tsunami that hit Southeast... Read more


Vatican creates new foundation to help AIDS patients

Dec 16, 2004

The Vatican's Good Samaritan Foundation for AIDS patients was presented today in the Holy See Press Office and “all men... Read more


Star-filled Christmas concert at the Vatican to build new churches in Rome

Dec 16, 2004

Pope John Paul II told the 90 performers who will perfrom at the Christmas in the Vatican Concert that it... Read more


Pope to ADL: let us work together to eliminate all forms of racism

Dec 16, 2004

Welcoming 18 members of the Anti-Defamation League in the Vatican this morning, Pope John Paul II expressed his fervent desire... Read more

Human development not only socio-economic, Pope says in message for Peace Day

Dec 15, 2004

In his Message for the World Day of Peace, January 1, 2005, which was published today, Pope John Paul II... Read more


Pope appoints auxiliary bishop in Pittsburgh

Dec 15, 2004

Pope John Paul II has appointed Fr. Paul J. Bradley, vicar general and moderator of the Curia of Pittsburgh, U.S.A.,... Read more


Circuses and fairs are occasions to proclaim authentically human values, says Pope

Dec 15, 2004

On receiving participants in the Seventh International Congress of the Pastoral Care for Circus and Fair Workers this morning, Pope... Read more