Vatican News


Benedict XVI dines with Cardinals, announces inauguration on Sunday

Apr 18, 2005

The Mass for the solemn inauguration of Pope Benedict XVI will take place on Sunday at St. Peter's, announced today... Read more


WYD Cologne 2005 will receive Benedict XVI in his homeland, Germany

Apr 18, 2005

One of the acts programmed for the newly elected Pontiff, Benedict XVI, is the journey to his homeland, Germany, to... Read more


Cardinal Ouellet: Conclave is act of faith, not politics

Apr 17, 2005

Cardinal Marc Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec, Canada, said this Sunday in Rome the Conclave is not a political act, but... Read more


John Paul II’s heart like that of Christ, Cardinal Medina says

Apr 17, 2005

During the last novendiali Mass for the repose of the soul of Pope John Paul II, Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina... Read more


Cardinals say they do not know who next Pope will be yet

Apr 17, 2005

Prior to entering the House of St. Martha yesterday, several cardinals told the faithful that they did not know—and had... Read more


Cardinal Ratzinger prays for ‘a pastor to lead us to knowledge of Christ, to His love, to true joy’

Apr 17, 2005

Just hours before cardinals from around the world made their solemn procession to the Sistine Chapel to begin the conclave,... Read more

Black smoke signals no pope chosen in first vote

Apr 17, 2005

It was 20:05 in Rome when black smoke rose from the chimney atop the Sistine Chapel. Black smoke indicates that... Read more

Cardinals finish meetings, John Paul’s Fisherman’s Ring destroyed

Apr 15, 2005

The Vatican Press Office director denied media reports that the official meetings of the cardinals, known as General Congregations, ended... Read more


Vatican reveals conclave schedule

Apr 15, 2005

Voting for the successor of Pope John Paul II could begin as early as Monday evening, said Vatican Press Office... Read more


Dome, gardens off-limits to tourists during conclave

Apr 15, 2005

With the conclave opening tomorrow, the Holy See is restricting movement in and around the Vatican to ensure cardinals the... Read more

Vatican official: Latin America ready to give the Church a pope

Apr 14, 2005

Archbishop Cipriano Calderon Polo, Vice President emeritus of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America and member of the Congregation for... Read more


‘Jesus alone can satisfy man’s hunger for love; thirst for justice’, wrote John Paul II

Apr 14, 2005

Today the Vatican released Pope John Paul II’s message for this year’s annual World Mission Day, which he wrote before... Read more


Cardinals continue to discuss state of the Church in the world as conclave approaches

Apr 14, 2005

Earlier today, 138 cardinals gathered at the Vatican to prepare to select a new pope, met for their eleventh General... Read more


Spanish journalist: “young people should go to Cologne to pay homage to John Paul II”

Apr 14, 2005

The renowned Spanish journalist Paloma Gomez Borrero, the only female journalist who accompanied the Pope during all 104 of his... Read more


Sistine Chapel chimney ready for conclave

Apr 14, 2005

This Thursday workers at the Vatican finished installing the chimney in the Sistine Chapel that will send the famous black... Read more

Preparations for the conclave: Cardinals explore state of Church in the world

Apr 13, 2005

142 cardinals participated this morning in the tenth General Congregation of Cardinals, leading up to Monday’s conclave where they will... Read more


Four votes, two plumes of smoke per day during Conclave

Apr 13, 2005

The cardinals gathered in the Conclave will vote twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon, but the burning... Read more


Archbishop Sandri: ‘Church must bring to fruition legacy of extraordinary pope’

Apr 13, 2005

"To us, above all,” said Archbishop Leonardo Sandri, at a Mass for John Paul II last evening, “falls the task... Read more


Mary Ann Glendon: Better catechesis for the laity urgent

Apr 13, 2005

The President of the Pontifical Council for the Sciences, Dr. Mary Ann Glendon, said Wednesday at the Vatican that the... Read more

Thousands visit tomb of John Paul II

Apr 12, 2005

Early this morning, the Vatican reopened the grottoes beneath St. Peter’s Basilica for the first time since the death of... Read more