Vatican News


“Holiness central to life and identity of every Bishop,” says Pope

Apr 28, 2004

Addressing bishops from the ecclesiastical provinces of Baltimore and Washington who end their ‘ad limina’ visit today, the Holy Father... Read more


Evangelization of world requires 'experts' in the Eucharist, says Pope

Apr 28, 2004

“To evangelize the world there is need of apostles who are 'experts' in the celebration, adoration and contemplation of the... Read more


Seek God’s face in prayer, says Pope

Apr 27, 2004

Pope John Paul II taught today that the way to attain the vision of God’s face in this life is... Read more


“Still much to accomplish” to eliminate nuclear threat, says Vatican U.N. observer

Apr 27, 2004

Although the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) “has contributed to international peace and security, there is still... Read more


“Join the world of science and culture to the truth of the faith,” exhorts Pope

Apr 26, 2004

This morning the Holy Father summoned “Ecclesiastical cultural institutions” to “welcome, study, apply and develop the consequences” of the teaching... Read more


Long-awaited Compendium of Catechism in final stages, announces Vatican

Apr 26, 2004

The Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a valuable instrument for the transmission of the faith eagerly anticipated... Read more


"Love for Christ is the secret of holiness," says John Paul II

Apr 25, 2004

The Holy Father urged young people to follow the model of the six servants of God he beatified this morning... Read more

Pope urges political leaders to follow the example of Giorgio La Pira

Apr 25, 2004

Representatives of the National Association of Italian Municipalities met with the Holy Father today to celebrate the centenary of Giorgio... Read more


Holy See publishes clear rules to protect the celebration of the Eucharist

Apr 22, 2004

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, headed by Francis Cardinal Arinze presented "Redemptionis Sacramentum, On... Read more


Cardinal: No Communion for Pro-Abortion Catholics

Apr 22, 2004

During a press conference on Friday, Cardinal Francis Arinze, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline... Read more


“Redemptionis Sacramentum” only reiterates norms already existing in the Church.

Apr 22, 2004

During the press conference in which the document "Redemptionis Sacramentum, On Certain Matters To Be Observed Or To Be Avoided... Read more


Pope John Paul commends “creativity in charity”

Apr 22, 2004

"The mission you fulfill with admirable apostolic zeal is very precious,” said the Holy Father on receiving the Italian group... Read more


Pope met with heads of the USCCB

Apr 21, 2004

Pope John Paul II received, in a private audience on Thursday morning, the leadership of the United States Bishops' Conference... Read more


Prayer brings inner peace and serenity, Pope says

Apr 20, 2004

Explaining  Psalm 26 during his regular Wednesday General Audience, Pope John Paul II said that the true way to achieve... Read more


Pope appoints two Papal delegates to the Centenary of Rome’s Synagogue

Apr 20, 2004

Holy See Press Office Director Joaquin Navarro-Valls announced on Wednesday that Pope John Paul will not be attending the ceremony... Read more


The Bible is a source of light for human behavior, Pope says

Apr 19, 2004

In a brief address to the participants at the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, Pope John Paul II... Read more


Pope to proclaim six new blessed, including Polish prince turned priest

Apr 19, 2004

Next Sunday, April 25, Pope John Paul II will proclaim six new Blessed, including a Polish prince turned priest and... Read more


Congregation for the Laity to celebrate 20th Anniversary of “Cross of the Youth”

Apr 19, 2004

The Pontifical Council for the Laity will mark the 20th anniversary of the handing over of the Cross to young... Read more

Vatican clears the way for new saints, including American “Angel of Molokai”

Apr 18, 2004

On Monday morning, in the presence of Pope John Paul, the Congregation for the Causes of Saints promulgated 15 new... Read more


Instruction with liturgical norms on the Eucharist to be "released" on Friday

Apr 18, 2004

On  Friday, April 23  the Vatican will present  the Instruction of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of... Read more