Vatican News


Scientific rigor and Christian ethics to avoid aberrations, Pope suggests

Feb 19, 2004

Pope John Paul II said today that combining scientific rigor with the demands of anthropology and Christian ethics guarantees respect... Read more

Pope to canonize pro-life mother, four priests and a nun

Feb 18, 2004

The Holy See announced today that Pope John Paul II will canonize on May 16 six blessed including Gianna Beretta,... Read more


Vatican experts reflect on the dignity of human procreation

Feb 18, 2004

The Pontifical Academy for Life opened this morning its 10º General Assembly in the Vatican.  The theme of this year’s... Read more


John Paul II sends condolences to victims of train accident in Iran

Feb 18, 2004

Pope John Paul II sent his condolences to the Iranian people affected by the train accident that claimed the lives... Read more

Vatican official answers Foxman: The Passion of the Christ is not anti-Semitic

Feb 17, 2004

In a meeting at the Vatican Feb. 16, U.S. Archbishop John P. Foley told Anti-Defamation League president Abraham Foxman the... Read more


Christ brings fulfillment to all creation, Pope says

Feb 17, 2004

Pope John Paul II called on the world this morning to summarize all things in Christ in order to fulfill... Read more


Holiness guarantees efficiency in evangelization, Pope tells Focolare

Feb 17, 2004

In a message to a group of bishops and collaborators of the Focolare movement, who are meeting in Rome, Pope... Read more


John Paul II: Universities must speak out loud of Europe’s Christian roots

Feb 16, 2004

Pope John Paul II said today that Universities “can speak out loud” of the Christian roots of Europe that “the... Read more


Pope will preside over Ash Wednesday celebration

Feb 16, 2004

The Holy See announced today that Pope John Paul II will preside over the Ash Wednesday liturgy at the Vatican... Read more


Vatican dicastery explains why human cloning is immoral

Feb 16, 2004

Bishop Elio Sgrecia, Vice President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, established 10 years ago by Pope John Paul II,... Read more

Pope insists on Europe’s Christian roots during weekend

Feb 15, 2004

On two different occasions on Saturday and Sunday, Pope John Paul insisted in the need for preserving Europe’s Christian roots... Read more


Exagerated Nationalism bring only “tears and blood,” Pope says

Feb 12, 2004

During the funeral Mass of Cardinal Opilio Rossi, Pope John Paul II recalled the years of World War II and... Read more


Holy Land needs reconciliation, not walls, Pope says

Feb 11, 2004

During a meeting with Ahmed Qurei, Prime minister of the Palestinian National Authority, Pope John Paul said today that the... Read more


Pope wishes Colombian President moral, material reconstruction for Colombia

Feb 11, 2004

In welcoming Colombian President Alvaro Uribe Velez to the Vatican today, Pope John Paul II told him he hopes for... Read more


Pope ask Iranian leader to safeguard inalienable rights

Feb 11, 2004

John Paul II today received Kamal Kharrazi, foreign minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, encouraging him to protect the... Read more


2005 World Synod of Bishops to focus on the Eucharist

Feb 11, 2004

The Vatican Press Office has announced that Pope John Paul has announced that the next Ordinary General Assembly of the... Read more

Pope appoints two Eastern European Archbishops to key roles in the Roman Curia

Feb 10, 2004

Pope John Paul II appointed to Eastern European Archbishops to key roles in the Roman Curia. The Pope accepted the... Read more


World Day of Sick recalls meaning of life, connection to Lourdes: Pope

Feb 10, 2004

It is a great act of love to take care of those who suffer, said Pope John Paul II today... Read more

Synthesis of Catechism of the Catholic Church ready for review

Feb 9, 2004

The first draft of a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which hundreds of bishops around the world... Read more


Vatican announces seven canonizations, including pro-life mother

Feb 9, 2004

The Vatican press office announced that on Thursday, February 19, an Ordinary Public Consistory will be held to announce the... Read more