Vatican News


Christianity gazes upon the world with great affection, Pope says on feast of the Epiphany

Jan 5, 2004

Recalling his predecessor, Pope Paul VI, Pope John Paul II said today, during the feast of the Epiphany, that Christianity... Read more


Pope reflects upon wonder of Incarnation

Jan 4, 2004

Before praying the Angelus Sunday morning before thousands of pilgrims gathered at St. Peter's Square, John Paul II recalled that... Read more


Cardinal Sodano to celebrate Mass for slain Nuncio

Jan 4, 2004

On January 8 at 5 p.m. –Rome time- at the altar of the Cathedra in the Vatican Basilica, Cardinal Angelo... Read more


Pope sends condolences for victims of Egyptian plane crash

Jan 4, 2004

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secretary of State, sent a telegram in the Holy Father's name to Archbishop Fortunato Baldelli, Apostolic Nuncio... Read more


Migration is a human right, the Pope says

Dec 22, 2003

In a letter for the 90th World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which will be celebrated in 2004, Pope John... Read more

Vatican announces new saints and blessed, including an Emperor and  “martyr of life”

Dec 21, 2003

Last Saturday, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, President of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, announced in the presence of... Read more


Following Mary’s humility an excellent way to prepare for Christmas, Pope says

Dec 21, 2003

Pope John Paul said on Sunday, during the Angelus prayer, that the proximity of Christmas highlights the figure of Mary... Read more


May Christ be always at the center of our lives, Pope tells Roman curia

Dec 21, 2003

During the traditional Christmas gathering with cardinals, archbishops, bishops and members of the Roman Curia, Pope John Paul recalled this... Read more


Lawyers from around the world greet the Pope as source of inspiration

Dec 18, 2003

420 lawyers from around the world greeted on Friday Pope John Paul II and presented him with a book of... Read more


Vatican source confirms Pope’s positive reaction to Gibson film

Dec 18, 2003

A Vatican source confirmed yesterday that Pope John Paul II saw Mel Gibson's film, “The Passion of Christ”, and was... Read more


Vatican’s “Sala Stampa” celebrates 50 years

Dec 18, 2003

The Press Office of the Holy See is celebrating its 50 anniversary, and a special Christmas Mass will be celebrated... Read more

Pope John Paul endorses “The Passion of Christ” with five simple words

Dec 17, 2003

Pope John Paul II saw Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of Christ” and endorsed the film saying: “It is as it... Read more


New vocations must be attracted by “audacious witnesses,” Pope says

Dec 17, 2003

Addressing the issue of the dramatic fall of vocations among traditional religious communities in France, Pope John Paul told a... Read more


Pope to preside at key celebrations during Holidays

Dec 17, 2003

The Vatican’s Office of Liturgical Celebration  revealed today Pope John Paul’s schedule of  celebrations for December and January. Read more


Material well-being can’t satisfy the human soul, Pope says

Dec 16, 2003

Pope John Paul II skipped his regular comments on the psalms and canticles of Vespers to focus the last general... Read more


Pope gives thanks to Northern Italians for Christmas tree

Dec 16, 2003

At the end of today’s weekly general audience, during his multi-language greetings to the faithful, Pope John Paul expressed special... Read more


Record numbers of people attend audiences of John Paul II

Dec 16, 2003

The Apostolic Prefecture of the Vatican announced Pope John Paul II has broken the record for the number of people... Read more


In document also addressed to terrorists, Pope calls for reform of the UN

Dec 15, 2003

In his Message for World Day of Peace, celebrated each year on January 1st, Pope John Paul II called for... Read more


Pope appoints well known pro-lifer to key Archdiocese in Italy

Dec 15, 2003

Pope John Paul II designated Archbishop Carlo Caffara, a well-known pro-life theologian, to replace Cardinal Giacomo Biffi as Archbishop of... Read more

Pope asks Sudanese bishops to keep speaking on behalf of persecuted

Dec 14, 2003

During an audience on the occasion of their Ad Limina visit to Rome, Pope John Paul II encouraged Sudanese Catholic... Read more