Vatican News


2005 World Synod of Bishops to focus on the Eucharist

Feb 11, 2004

The Vatican Press Office has announced that Pope John Paul has announced that the next Ordinary General Assembly of the... Read more

Pope appoints two Eastern European Archbishops to key roles in the Roman Curia

Feb 10, 2004

Pope John Paul II appointed to Eastern European Archbishops to key roles in the Roman Curia. The Pope accepted the... Read more


World Day of Sick recalls meaning of life, connection to Lourdes: Pope

Feb 10, 2004

It is a great act of love to take care of those who suffer, said Pope John Paul II today... Read more

Synthesis of Catechism of the Catholic Church ready for review

Feb 9, 2004

The first draft of a summary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which hundreds of bishops around the world... Read more


Vatican announces seven canonizations, including pro-life mother

Feb 9, 2004

The Vatican press office announced that on Thursday, February 19, an Ordinary Public Consistory will be held to announce the... Read more


Pope appoints new Bishop for Portland, Maine

Feb 9, 2004

Pope John Paul II appointed as the new Bishop of Portland, Maine, the Most Reverend Richard Joseph Malone, Auxiliary of... Read more


The Vatican celebrates 75 years of recovering sovereign status

Feb 9, 2004

Tomorrow is a holiday in the Vatican as this tiny city-state celebrates the 75th anniversary of the signing of the... Read more

Reform of the UN is a “moral obligation,” Pope says

Feb 8, 2004

On Saturday, Pope John Paul II welcomed at the Vatican Julian Robert Hunte, President of the 58th General Assembly of... Read more


Pope recalls Lourdes, 150th Anniversary of Dogma of Immaculate Conception

Feb 8, 2004

Addressing the pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Angelus on Sunday, Pope John Paul meditated upon the coming... Read more


Pontifical Academy for Life to remember memorable French pro-lifer

Feb 8, 2004

The Pontifical Academy for Life will celebrate the 10th Anniversary of its foundation by Pope John Paul II by honoring... Read more


States must protect rights of monogamous, heterosexual marriage, Vatican says at UN 

Feb 8, 2004

The Holy See Permanent Observer to the United Nations Archbishop Celestino Migliore, spoke last Saturday on the role of the... Read more

Catholics must accept and live fullness of Catholic doctrine, Pope says

Feb 5, 2004

Addressing members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope John Paul said... Read more


Pope stresses the need to recover natural law

Feb 5, 2004

Speaking to the members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope John... Read more


Priestly sexual misconduct must be prevented at seminaries, Pope says

Feb 5, 2004

In a long speech addressed to members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, headed by Cardinal Joseph... Read more


Pope slams Anti-Semitism, supports Palestinian plight

Feb 4, 2004

Pope John Paul II received on Thursday a group from the American Jewish Committee and, during brief remarks, recalled their... Read more


Program for World Day of the Sick revealed

Feb 4, 2004

Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, President of the Pontifical Council for Health Care Ministry, presented on Thursaday at the Vatican Press... Read more

Christians must ponder their own moral integrity before taking Holy Communion, Pope says

Feb 3, 2004

While commenting on Psalm 14, “Who is worthy to be before the Lord?,” Pope John Paul II said during his... Read more


Important step in dialogue between Catholics and the Coptic Orthodox Church

Feb 3, 2004

The Vatican Press office released today an account of the first meeting of the International Joint Commission for Theological Dialogue... Read more


Pope calls on religious to renew “yes” to God daily

Feb 2, 2004

Pope John Paul presided on Monday, feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the VIII Day of Consecrated Life, during... Read more


Pontifical Yearbook: Half of world’s Catholics live on the American continent

Feb 2, 2004

Cardinal Angelo Sodano, Secretary of State, and Archbishop Leonardi Sandri, Substitute for General Affairs, presented to Pope John Paul II... Read more