Latest Catholic News


US bishops: policies that deny refugees, terror victims asylum must be changed

Mar 9, 2007

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has joined a coalition of religious groups and refugee advocates in calling on... Read more


Pro-life official welcomes briefing on cloning agenda’s risks to women

Mar 9, 2007

The Pro-Life Secretariat of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has applauded Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Marcy Kaptur (D-OH)... Read more


Bishop Morlino to decide future of Madison cathedral by summertime

Mar 9, 2007

Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison is expected to announce his decision regarding the future of St. Raphael Cathedral by the... Read more

Holy See: Equality between men and women should grow from mutual respect and recognition of differences

Mar 9, 2007

The particular “feminine genius” of women must be recognized and appreciated, Archbishop Celestino Migliore told a United Nations General Assembly... Read more

Pope calls on media to promote the dignity of man, marriage, and the family

Mar 9, 2007

Today in the Vatican, Benedict XVI received participants in the plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, which... Read more


Those who lack the light of faith end up desiring death, warns Spanish bishop

Mar 8, 2007

In comments on the case of Inmaculada Echevarria, who suffers from muscular dystrophy and has requested that her respirator be... Read more


Argentinean medical ethics group warns that court ruling will open the door to legal abortion

Mar 8, 2007

The Argentinean Society for Medical and Biological Ethics warned this week that a court ruling that grants prosecutorial immunity to... Read more


Morning-after pill “is not emergency contraceptive but rather emergency abortion”

Mar 8, 2007

The director of the Institute for Bioethics of the Catholic University of La Plata, Juan Carlos Caprile, said this week... Read more


Bangladesh bishop says Catholics still living in fear

Mar 8, 2007

Bishop Bejoy Nicephorus D’Cruze of Khulna, South West Bangladesh, has told Catholic charity, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN)... Read more


Mother sues Planned Parenthood for not killing her two year-old daughter

Mar 8, 2007

A Boston mother is seeking compensation from Planned Parenthood, by way of a medical malpractice suit, after the abortion organization... Read more


Imam of Al-Azhar says he will meet with Pope Benedict

Mar 8, 2007

The imam of the Islamic university Al-Azhar in Cairo, the highest seat of Sunni learning, is expected to meet with... Read more


Foundation plans new Catholic college to replace Ave Maria in '08

Mar 8, 2007

A new foundation is working to raise $10 million to open a new Catholic liberal arts college next year, after... Read more


Wikipedia 'Catholic expert' resigns after being exposed as a fake

Mar 8, 2007

One of Wikipedia’s foremost contributors and editors resigned last week after it was learned that his supposed credentials as a... Read more


Cardinal Zen says Church faces 'crucial moments' in China

Mar 8, 2007

Cardinal Joseph Zen, archbishop of Hong Kong, says the Vatican will face "crucial moments" with China as it seeks to... Read more


Italian Bishops will continue to speak with “clearness and serenity,” Bagnasco says

Mar 8, 2007

Speaking this morning from the headquarters of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI) in Rome, Archbishop Angelo Bagnasco, the newly appointed... Read more

Cardinal Karl Lehmann

Remarks on West Bank situation do not deny rights of Israel, German Cardinal responds

Mar 8, 2007

Cardinal Karl Lehmann, Bishop of Mainz and President of the German Bishops Conference, responded today to criticism over comments a... Read more

All faithful called to materially support work of Church, Pope Benedict reminds

Mar 8, 2007

This morning the Pope received members of the Rome-based charity organization, the Circle of St. Peter, for their traditional annual... Read more


Toledo cardinal weighs in on euthanasia controversy in Spain

Mar 7, 2007

Cardinal Antonio Cañizares of Spain has weighed in again on the controversial request of a Spanish woman who is seeking... Read more


Family Policy group confirms Spain as country with least assistance for families

Mar 7, 2007

The Institute for Family Policy in Spain unveiled a report today entitled “Assistance for Children in Spain,” which indicates a... Read more


Statement by Christian group takes “politically correct” approach on key moral issues

Mar 7, 2007

The Van Thuan Observatory for the Social Doctrine of the Church has called a manifesto on the definition of Europe,... Read more