Latest Catholic News


Survival of anencephalic girl in Brazil sparks abortion debate

Dec 4, 2006

An anencephalic girl in Brazil has survived for two weeks - against all odds and medical prognosis - and has... Read more


Lawmakers urged to pass Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act

Dec 4, 2006

Several pro-life leaders are urging members of Congress to vote in favor of the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (H.R.... Read more


Catholic candidate looks at presidential run in 2008

Dec 4, 2006

As Republicans and Democrats are still considering what to make of the “Catholic vote” during 2006’s midterm elections, preparations are... Read more


Newly discovered church believed to have housed Ark of the Covenant

Dec 4, 2006

Archaeologists claim to have uncovered one of the world's first churches, built on a site believed to have once housed... Read more


US must join international community in rebuilding Lebanon, say bishops

Dec 4, 2006

The chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) international policy committee has urged Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice... Read more


Vatican intervenes in attempt to save Romanian cathedral from damage

Dec 4, 2006

The Vatican has requested authorities in Romania to immediately suspend the construction of a 19-story office tower next to the... Read more

Cardinal Bertone: Illegitimate ordination of Chinese bishop is "accident in the road"

Dec 4, 2006

The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, called the ordination of a Chinese bishop without the authorization of the... Read more


Christians in one Filipino territory continue to suffer from Islamic extremists, bishop says

Dec 4, 2006

According to one Filipino bishop, a cycle of terrorism and kidnapping continues to plague the lives of Christians in a... Read more


Pope calls all to the God who comes among mankind

Dec 3, 2006

Presiding at the first prayer service for the season of Advent, Pope Benedict XVI recalled that God is a God... Read more

Prefect for Clergy clarifies statements on celibacy

Dec 3, 2006

Following the rapid dissemination of a quote printed by the Brazilian press this weekend, the newly appointed Prefect of the... Read more


Benedict XVI recalls trip to Turkey, reminds Christians that Advent is a time of hope

Dec 3, 2006

Prior to praying the Angelus on Sunday, Pope Benedict XVI briefly recalled last week’s trip to Turkey, expressing his thanks... Read more


Virginia bishop calls for citizens to take stand against pornography

Dec 3, 2006

The Bishop of Arlington, Virginia, has taken up the fight against pornography and is urging all citizens and public officials... Read more


Church stands by teaching re condom use and AIDS, says cardinal

Dec 3, 2006

The Catholic Church stands by its teaching that the best way to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS is abstinence and... Read more


Media reveals possible schedule for Benedict XVI’s trip to Brazil

Dec 3, 2006

Media outlets in Brazil are reporting on a proposal by the Catholic Church in that country for a schedule of... Read more


Bartholomew I: Pope’s visit will have “incalculable value” for “reconciliation process”

Dec 3, 2006

The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, said last week he is “convinced” that Benedict XVI’s visit to Turkey, in... Read more


Vatican reacts to illicit Chinese ordination

Dec 3, 2006

The Vatican reacted this weekend to the decision of the Chinese government to ordain another Catholic bishop without Vatican approval. ... Read more


Church must address the whole person to fight AIDS, say African bishops

Dec 3, 2006

The Symposium of the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (SECAM) has said bringing God to the hearts of men... Read more


Greek Orthodox leader to make first official visit to Pope

Dec 3, 2006

The Vatican announced what could be a major breakthrough in ecumenical relations between the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox Churches. ... Read more


Holy Father says meeting with Armenian patriarch a sign of hope for Christian unity

Nov 30, 2006

After a day which began with the solemn celebration of the Feast of St. Andrew with the Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarch... Read more

Pope says Church in Turkey asks to live with the freedom to reveal Christ

Nov 30, 2006

On the last day of his Apostolic voyage to Turkey, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated Mass for the country’s Catholic community,... Read more