Latest Catholic News


US government says pope immune from lawsuit

Sep 19, 2005

The US government, through the Assistant Attorney General Peter Keisler,  has told a Texas court that Pope Benedict XVI should... Read more


Vatican to open museums, catacombs, share Christian history in celebration of European Heritage Day

Sep 19, 2005

The Vatican announced today that it will once again take part in the annual "European Heritage Day", on September 25th,... Read more


Thousands witness annual Italian miracle of St. Januarius

Sep 19, 2005

Clergy, faithful, and even civic leaders were on hand Monday morning at Naples’ Cathedral to witness the centuries old occurrence--still... Read more


Bishop Wuerl says intelligent design has rightful place among modern ‘origin of man’ theories

Sep 19, 2005

Adding his voice to the still sticky evolution / intelligent design conversation, Pittsburgh Bishop Donald Wuerl, argued in a recent... Read more


Wisconsin parish plays vital role for new immigrants

Sep 19, 2005

The Catholic community of Wautoma in central Wisconsin, is further evidence that dioceses across the country, including rural areas, are... Read more


Tucson bishop, claimants’ lawyers praise judge in settlement talks

Sep 19, 2005

Bishop Gerald Kicanas of Tucson and lawyers involved in settlement talks regarding sexual-abuse claims have praised the judge who is... Read more


October dedicated to prayer, adoration for those affected by Katrina

Sep 19, 2005

Catholics in the Diocese of Jackson have been called to dedicate the month of October to prayer and eucharistic adoration... Read more


Chilean cardinal hopeful about country’s future

Sep 19, 2005

The Archbishop of Santiago, Chile, Cardinal Francisco Javier Errazuriz, said this week he was hopeful about the future of the... Read more


Cardinal Sepe: “The Church seeks good of society when she defends the family”

Sep 19, 2005

Before more than 15,000 people gathered in Torreciudad, Spain, to celebrate the 16th Marian Day of the Family, the Prefect... Read more


Papal envoy notes gestures of “great humanity” in wake of Katrina

Sep 19, 2005

The President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum, Archbishop Paul Cordes, returned to Rome this week after visiting the areas... Read more


Vatican names Mons. Urosa new Archbishop of Caracas

Sep 19, 2005

The Holy See Press Room informed that Pope Benedict  named Mons. Jorge Liberato Urosa Savino as the new Archbishop of... Read more

Vatican reveals Pope John Paul II lasts words: “Let me go to the house of the Father.”

Sep 18, 2005

Let me go to the house of the Father.” These were Pope John Paul II’s last words, mumbled in polish... Read more


Grace of the Eucharist is secret to holy priests, says Pope

Sep 18, 2005

Before his noontime Angelus prayer at the papal Castelgandolfo summer residence yesterday, Pope Benedict XVI said that the key to... Read more


Pope challenges new bishops to humbly trust God, be 'teachers of the faith'

Sep 18, 2005

Earlier today, Pope Benedict XVI met with a group of recently ordained bishops who have just completed a period of... Read more


Vatican official calls for renewal of U.N., supports 'Peacebuilding Commission'

Sep 18, 2005

On Friday, the final day of a high-level United Nations summit held in New York, Vatican Cardinal Secretary of State... Read more


Missouri judge blocks new anti-abortion laws

Sep 18, 2005

On Friday, a federal judge in Missouri blocked two new abortion laws which would have regulated the state’s abortion clinics... Read more


US parishes welcome more cultural groups, conference urges more inclusion

Sep 18, 2005

Multicultural parishes are becoming increasingly common across America, and they are no longer just an urban phenomenon. Parishes in rural... Read more


Symposium to consider future staffing of parishes

Sep 18, 2005

Diocesan and parish leaders will reflect on the future staffing of parishes at a national symposium this week. "Enhancing The... Read more


Places of worship keep National Day of Prayer for Katrina victims

Sep 18, 2005

Americans across the country joined Friday in a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for victims of Hurricane Katrina. President... Read more


Bishop hopeful appeal will make partial-birth abortions illegal

Sep 18, 2005

Bishop Walter Hurley is hopeful appeals to higher courts will reinstate the Michigan Legal Birth Definition Act.  Read more