Latest Catholic News


New Orleans Archbishop Hughes survives Katrina; continues to minister to fellow refugees

Aug 31, 2005

Armed with only two changes of clothes, New Orleans Archbishop Alfred Hughes--along with hundreds of thousands of refugees, most likely... Read more


California bishops urge Catholics to support parental notification

Aug 31, 2005

The California bishops are urging Catholics in the state to vote in favor of a proposed law that would require... Read more


Scalia says courts should not rule on moral issues

Aug 31, 2005

Moral issues not addressed in the Constitution, such as abortion, gay rights and the death penalty, should be debated and... Read more


Judge says so-called ‘priest misconduct’ not applicable in Fargo diocese trial

Aug 31, 2005

A Fargo, North Dakota judge has decided not to allow past allegations of priest misconduct in the trial of a... Read more


Pope's September prayer intentions stress religious freedom; continuity of Christian message

Aug 31, 2005

Today, the Vatican released Pope Benedict XVI's prayer and mission intentions for the month, which stress the importance of religious... Read more


New Editor Named for Leading Catholic News Magazine

Aug 31, 2005

Domenico Bettinelli has been named editor of The Catholic World Report (CWR), America’s leading Catholic news magazine and Ignatius Press’... Read more


Holy See alerts Latin American bishops about activities of pseudo-Catholic groups at the UN

Aug 31, 2005

The Vatican Secretary of State has asked the bishops’ conferences of Latin America  to be on the alert against a... Read more


Mexican cardinal announces beatification of heroic lay martyr

Aug 31, 2005

Cardinal Juan Sandoval Iñiguez of Guadalajara, Mexico, announced the beatification of Anacleto Gonzalez Flores and eleven companions, all martyrs, who... Read more


Colombian bishop reminds rebels that agreements must be “totally humanitarian”

Aug 31, 2005

The President of the Colombian Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Luis Augusto Castro of Tunja, said this week he has not received... Read more

Pope issues telegram to victims of Hurricane Katrina

Aug 30, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI said he was “deeply saddened by the tragic consequences” of Hurricane Katrina, which pummeled the state of... Read more


US Bishops announce national collection for Hurricane Katrina relief

Aug 30, 2005

As the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina continues to unfold along the U.S. Gulf coast, The U.S. Conference of Catholic... Read more


Holy See to publish document on admittance of homosexuals to seminaries

Aug 30, 2005

The Congregation for Catholic Education, headed by Cardinal Zenon Grockolewski, will publish a document clarifying the Church’s policy on the... Read more


Pro-life, human rights advocate nominated Assistant Secretary of State for Population issues

Aug 30, 2005

In an announcement due to be made public tomorrow, President George Bush has nominated Ellen R. Sauerbrey, a vocal pro-life... Read more


Without God, human efforts will fail, Pope says

Aug 30, 2005

Pope Benedict reminded the faithful today during his weekly general audience that only with God’s help will humans succeed in... Read more


Schismatic groups calls on Rome to make first move toward reconciliation

Aug 30, 2005

The schismatic Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) says the first step toward reconciliation and recognition of the group within... Read more


Priests for Life back California’s proposal to legislate parental notification

Aug 30, 2005

A new measure in California, which would require parents of a minor to be notified before an abortion is performed,... Read more


Consider work, economy from justice perspective, US bishops urge

Aug 30, 2005

The United States bishops are calling on people this Labor Day to consider the U.S. economy “from the ‘bottom up’”,... Read more

Catholic League president: Church must start playing hardball against victimization

Aug 29, 2005

Yesterday, William Donahue, president of the Catholic League for religious and civil rights called recent verbal attacks on Archbishop William... Read more


Diocese to appeal court decision that parishes can be liquidated; claims breach of church/state separation

Aug 29, 2005

Bishop William Skylstad of Spokane, Washington has announced that his diocese will appeal a federal court ruling which, on Friday,... Read more


Archdiocese of Newark hopes new on-line giving system will increase stewardship

Aug 29, 2005

The Archdiocese of Newark, New Jersey has announced that it will begin using an on-line giving system called ParishPay, in... Read more