Latest Catholic News


Ordination of women priests not valid, says canon law expert

Jul 25, 2005

The ordinations of nine women yesterday on a boat in the St. Lawrence River are not valid and cannot be... Read more


Archbishop thinks ‘ordination’ ceremony could mean automatic excommunication

Jul 25, 2005

On Monday, nine women had themselves ‘ordained’ as Catholic priests aboard a boat near Ottawa, Canada, an act, which one... Read more


Muslim world must condemn terrorism, says Iraqi priest

Jul 25, 2005

The Muslim world must condemn terrorism “carried out in its name,” says an Iraqi Catholic priest in Mosul.  Read more


Roberts should not have to submit to religious litmus test, says Catholic League

Jul 25, 2005

Supreme Court nominee Judge John Roberts should not have to submit to a religious litmus test, says Catholic League president... Read more


Mass. governor to veto emergency contraception bill

Jul 25, 2005

Gov. Mitt Romney has announced that he will veto a bill that would make the morning-after pill available without a... Read more


Japanese Bishops call for peace on anniversary of a-bombs

Jul 25, 2005

Catholic bishops in Japan have released a message for the 60th anniversary of the World War II atomic bomb droppings... Read more


Aid to the Church in Need donates 70 million euros in 137 countries

Jul 25, 2005

Aid to the Church in Need distributed about 70 million euros in 2004, supporting nearly 6,000 pastoral projects in 137... Read more


Dominican bishop supports priest’s work among Haitian immigrants

Jul 25, 2005

Bishop Francisco Ozoria Acosta of San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic, issued a statement this week expressing the support of... Read more


Bishops and priests to participate in international retreat

Jul 25, 2005

This Friday the V International Retreat for Priests, organized by the Latin American Catholic Charismatic Council and the Latin American... Read more


Argentinean archbishop calls on Christians to avoid “new reading” of the Gospel

Jul 25, 2005

Archbishop Domingo Castagna of Corrientes, Argentina, is calling on Argentineans to avoid falling into a “new reading of the Gospel,”... Read more

Pope calls attacks on Egypt ‘senseless’; calls on terrorists to renounce violence

Jul 24, 2005

On Saturday, Pope Benedict XVI condemned Friday night’s terrorist attacks, which rocked the Egyptian Red Sea resort town of Sharm... Read more


Pope calls on Europe to ‘return to its Christian roots’; for youth to become ‘leaven’

Jul 24, 2005

Speaking before yesterday’s Angelus prayer to a group if some 8,000 pilgrims in Les Combes, in Italy’s Valle d’Aosta, where... Read more


Pope calls on God to ‘block the murderous hand’ of terrorists, convert their hearts

Jul 24, 2005

Following Sunday’s noontime Angelus prayer held near his vacation chalet of Les Combes in Italy's Valle d'Aosta, Pope Benedict led... Read more


Pope Benedict meets with priests, deacons of Valle d’Aosta, surprises reporters with brief interview

Jul 24, 2005

Before entering the church of Introd today for a meeting with priests and deacons of the Valle d’Aosta region of... Read more


Pope says terror attacks cannot be defined as anti-Christian

Jul 24, 2005

Following a meeting with priests and deacons of Italy’s Valle d’Aosta region, where he is currently vacationing, Pope Benedict told... Read more


Message of pro-life youth flies over Bay area

Jul 24, 2005

The pro-life message of 15 college students soared sky high Saturday when local pilot Bob Gilbert flew over the Bay... Read more


Domino's Pizza founder redesigns church to one-third of original size

Jul 24, 2005

The church to be built on Ave Maria University campus near Naples, Fla., has been redesigned to one-third of its... Read more


USCCB urges post-hurricane assistance for Cuba

Jul 24, 2005

Restrictions on travel and financial remittances to Cuba should be suspended temporarily so that Cuban Americans can help their relatives... Read more


Visiting Polish prelate does little to heal rift between Archbishop and rebel parish

Jul 24, 2005

A visit from Bishop Ryszard Karpinski of Lublin, leader of Polish Catholics outside Poland, reportedly has done little to heal... Read more


Bishop O'Malley dedicates newly rebuilt church

Jul 24, 2005

While some 62 churches closed in the Archdiocese of Boston last year, parishioners of St. Patrick’s in Stoneham completed a... Read more