Latest Catholic News


Unpleasantness and sadness threaten mankind and the Church, archbishop warns

Sep 11, 2005

Archbishop Emeritus Carmelo Giaquinta of Resistencia warned this week that the evils that threaten Christians are the same that threaten... Read more


Bishop urges rediscovery of value of motherhood and consecrated virginity for women

Sep 11, 2005

During a special Mass in honor of Our Lady of the Choir, Bishop Juan Maria Uriarte of San Sebastian, Spain,... Read more

Vatican reconfirms 5 canonizations and 26 blesseds to be declared in October: Pope Benedict following John Paul’s lead

Sep 8, 2005

The Vatican reconfirmed today that Pope Benedict XVI plans to canonize five blesseds and declare 26 beatifications later this month. Read more


Catholic Charities USA launches nationwide housing program for Katrina evacuees

Sep 8, 2005

All Catholic Charities agencies, located across the country, have joined forces to launch Operation Home Away from Home, a program... Read more


Bishops, policymakers focus on moral implications of trade agreements

Sep 8, 2005

An international conference on the moral implications of trade agreements came to a close yesterday. The two-day meeting, led by... Read more


White House declares National Day of Prayer for hurricane victims; Church groups applaud

Sep 8, 2005

As the world continues to watch the horrible aftermath of Hurricane Katrina--which devastated the U.S. Gulf Coast--unfold, President George Bush... Read more


Pro-family groups applaud Schwarzenegger for impending same-sex marriage veto

Sep 8, 2005

Yesterday, the office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that he would veto a bill legalizing same sex marriage, saying... Read more


New Montana parish could be first in world named after John Paul II

Sep 8, 2005

On Sunday, parishioners in the tiny Montana town of Big Fork, will add something substantial to the worldwide Church. They... Read more


Embryonic stem cells prone to genetic mutations, says new research

Sep 8, 2005

A new study indicates that stem cells made from human embryos are prone to serious genetic mutations associated with cancer. Read more


Hong Kong Catholics "enjoy religious freedom," Church leader says

Sep 8, 2005

Hong Kong is a safe haven for Catholics, according to Mgr John Tong Hon, Auxiliary Bishop of Hong Kong, in... Read more


New church fits growing congregation

Sep 8, 2005

The Catholic faith community of St. Isidore Parish in rural but still-developing Milford Township, Pennsylvania, are enjoying their new and... Read more


New vocations video available this fall

Sep 8, 2005

Parishes, youth ministers, vocations directors and faith communities will soon have a new vocations-awareness and promotion tool at their fingertips.... Read more


Italian bishop calls for reconciliation in response to murder of priest in Brazil

Sep 8, 2005

Bishop Piergiorgio Debernardi of Pinerolo is calling on Brazilians to show forgiveness over the murder of Father Guiseppe Bessone, a... Read more

Pope Benedict: Church in Mexico must provide ‘Integral formation’ in all areas of the Church; for all ages

Sep 7, 2005

Meeting at his summer residence of Castelgandolfo earlier today, Pope Benedict told visiting prelates from the Mexican bishop’s conference that... Read more


Vatican congress to discuss scripture in the life of the Church; celebrate 40th anniversary of Dei Verbum

Sep 7, 2005

Later this month, Biblical scholars and Episcopal leaders from around the world will descend on Rome to explore the role... Read more


Spokane diocese, parishes appeal federal court decision

Sep 7, 2005

The Diocese of Spokane and the diocesan Association of Parishes (AOP) have filed separate appeals of a federal bankruptcy court... Read more


Quebec passes law eliminating Catholic instruction in public schools

Sep 7, 2005

School’s back in. But in Quebec public schools, Catholic and Protestant religious instruction are on their way out. Read more


Church obtains temporary restraining order against protesting attorney

Sep 7, 2005

The Holy Cross Roman Catholic church in Albany N.Y has obtained a temporary restraining order against an attorney who it... Read more


Canadian bishops express sympathy, recall history between Louisiana and Canada

Sep 7, 2005

The Canadian bishops expressed their deepest sympathy to the American bishops over the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina, offering prayers... Read more


Schwarzenegger to veto same-sex marriage bill

Sep 7, 2005

Many pro-family groups let out a collective sigh of relief today as the office of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger announced... Read more