Latest Catholic News


Priest debunks myth that Church is opposed to stem-cell research

Oct 18, 2004

A Catholic priest and director of education for the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Boston attended the seventh annual BioFlorida... Read more


Bishops says persecuted Catholics in Cuba are earning Heaven

Oct 18, 2004

Speaking in Guadalajara, Mexico, where he was participating in the International Eucharistic Congress, Auxiliary Bishop of Havana, Cuba, Alfredo Petit... Read more


University student group sues for right to remain Christian

Oct 18, 2004

The Christian Legal Society is suing Pennsylvania State University on behalf of a Christian student group, after the university has... Read more


In face of terrorist violence, Iraq’s Christians defiantly vow to stay and rebuild country

Oct 18, 2004

Iraqi Christian leaders have issued a joint statement in response to the bombings of five churches on Saturday, October 16,... Read more

Pope John Paul II inaugurates Year of the Eucharist

Oct 17, 2004

Pope John Paul II inaugurated the year of the Eucharist with the celebration of Mass on Sunday, October 17, concomitantly... Read more


Powerful anti-Christian lobbies drown voice of Pope and Church, says cardinal

Oct 17, 2004

In a press conference this morning in the Holy See Press Office, Cardinal Renato Martino of the Pontifical Council for... Read more


Year of Eucharist should be a strong time of encountering Christ, says Pope

Oct 17, 2004

During the noon Angelus in St. Peter’s Square yesterday, Pope John Paul II spoke about the Year of the Eucharist,... Read more


Children are future and hope of mankind: do not be indifferent to their suffering, says Pope

Oct 17, 2004

Pope John Paul II, speaking to participants in the World Conference of Women Parliamentarians for the Care of Children and... Read more


Population planning must be ethical, based on integral vision of human future, Vatican says

Oct 17, 2004

Archbishop Celestino Migliore, Permanent Observer of the Holy See before the United Nations, noted the “serious threat” to the future... Read more


Russian army performs concert for Pope’s 26th anniversary, receives blessing

Oct 17, 2004

On Saturday October 16, The Russian Army choir, orchestra and ballet corps performed in honor of Pope John Paul II’s... Read more


Cardinal Martino calls pontificate of John Paul II one of history’s greatest blessings

Oct 17, 2004

During a press conference in the Holy See Press Office this morning, Cardinal Renato Martino of the Pontifical Council for... Read more


Archbishop of Seattle says he revealed ‘homosexual culture’ in seminaries during the 70's

Oct 17, 2004

In a recent interview with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Archbishop Alexander J. Brunett said he revealed the homosexual culture that was... Read more


Pope honors largest shrine to St. Joseph with Golden Rose

Oct 17, 2004

The largest shrine to St. Joseph in the world is now the rare recipient of a top Vatican honor. Pope... Read more


Italian bishops promote use of Internet in dioceses and parishes

Oct 17, 2004

The Italian Bishops Conference has published a document suggesting dioceses and parishes make use of the Internet in their work... Read more


Spanish watchdog group says government manipulating figures on homosexual population

Oct 17, 2004

A Spanish watchdog group is reporting that the country’s Vice President, Maria Teresa Fernandez de la Vega, lied when she... Read more


Education Minister in Chile withdraws offensive teacher’s manual

Oct 17, 2004

The Education Minister of Chile decided this week to withdraw more than 1,000 copies of a manual for school officials... Read more

Bush and Kerry answer why Catholics should vote for them

Oct 14, 2004

In an exclusive interview with the Catholic Digest, presidential candidate Senator John Kerry and President George W. Bush each gave... Read more


Pope thanks Catholic radios for working to consolidate Europe's Christian identity

Oct 14, 2004

In an audience with members of the European Conference of Christian Radios (ECCR) today Pope John Paul II thanked the... Read more


Judge rules mountaintop cross can stay

Oct 14, 2004

A ruling by a federal court judge Oct. 12 stopped plans by the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association to remove a... Read more


Kerry misleads nation on Catholicism, says Catholic League

Oct 14, 2004

Catholic League president William Donohue said the remark Senator John Kerry made about abortion during the final debate of the... Read more