Latest Catholic News


Bishop of Colorado Springs: voters of pro-abortion candidates should also refrain from communion

May 13, 2004

Bishop Michael J. Sheridan of Colorado Springs issued a pastoral letter yesterday admonishing Catholics to refrain from receiving communion if... Read more


Vatican watcher gives a personal look at new biography of Pope John Paul

May 13, 2004

In order to mark the official publication of the new autobiographical book by Pope John Paul II, “Get Up, Let’s... Read more


Holy See says avoid buying brands produced through child labor

May 12, 2004

A spokesman for the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace is calling on believers to avoid buying products that are... Read more


Woman who risked her life instead of aborting 40 years ago dies at 82

May 12, 2004

Jacobina Surian Adams was two months pregnant when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1962. Doctors advised her that... Read more


Mother challenges system after girl, 14, has abortion without parental consent

May 12, 2004

A mother, whose 14-year-old daughter was allowed to have an abortion without her knowledge or consent, has launched an attack... Read more


Australian Treasury Minister says families need to have more children for the good of the country

May 12, 2004

Although many governments throughout the world insist that progress requires the reduction of world population, a government official in Australia... Read more


Cuban Church shows ‘positive tendencies,’ bishop says

May 12, 2004

Despite the difficult political and economic situation in Cuba, the Catholic Church in the Caribbean country shows “quite positive tendencies,”... Read more


Mexican Archbishop: The Church cannot cease to announce the Gospel

May 12, 2004

As elections approach in Mexico, the Archbishop of  Durango, Hector Gonzalez Martinez, said this week, “Although some think she should... Read more

Papers reveal sharp rebut from Archbishop Chaput to National Review Board

May 11, 2004

The two main Colorado newspapers, The Denver Post and The Rocky Mountain News, revealed this Tuesday the sharp rebuke Denver... Read more


Never despair when all seems lost, Pope teaches

May 11, 2004

Give thanks to God "who has freed us from the fear of death,” declared the Holy Father in this morning’s... Read more


Italian Catholics debate over Protestant churches

May 11, 2004

The renowned Vatican watcher Sandro Magister analyzes the growing debate among Catholic Italians regarding which Protestant denomonitations should be accepted... Read more


WHO adopts Church strategy to contain Africa’s HIV/AIDS epidemic

May 11, 2004

The Church’s message of sexual abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage – as a means to contain the HIV/AIDS... Read more


National honor roll will recognize top Catholic high schools

May 11, 2004

A new initiative will recognize excellence among Catholic high schools in the United States. The Catholic High School Honor Roll... Read more


BBC takes reality TV to the monastery

May 11, 2004

The BBC’s latest attempt to take reality TV to a higher level has sceptics wondering if the program’s objectives will... Read more


Spanish families reject distribution of abortion pills to adolescents

May 11, 2004

The Spanish Family Forum is rejecting an announcement by the mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz Gallardon, that the morning after... Read more


Irish Archbishop calls on IRA to renounce violence

May 11, 2004

Archbishop Sean Brady of Armagh, is calling on the Irish Republican Army to disarm, saying “violence can never be justified.” Read more


Search for new ways to preach the Gospel, fulfill mission of mercy and peace

May 10, 2004

The Holy Father lauded the members of the Pontifical Missionary Works at their general assembly this morning saying that their... Read more


Six new saints to be proclaimed this Sunday in St. Peter’s Square

May 10, 2004

This sunday, May 16, the Holy Father will canonize six blesseds. Read more


Pope sends condolences to families of victims and survivors of Grozny explosion

May 10, 2004

This morning a telegram offering condolences to the families of the victims of the bomb blast in a Grozny stadium... Read more


“The Passion of the Christ” DVD to be released in August

May 10, 2004

Icon Productions has announced this morning that Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" will be released on DVD on... Read more