Latest Catholic News


Catholic charitable activity cannot forget the main goal of bringing people to God, Pope says

Nov 20, 2003

Addressing the participants in the twenty-fifth plenary assembly of the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum,” the Vatican organization dedicated to charitable... Read more


Pope appoints Cuban-American Bishop in Miami

Nov 20, 2003

Pope John Paul II appointed the Very Reverend Felipe de Jesus Estevez, director of spiritual formation of the St. Paul... Read more


Vatican Theologian says homosexual “weddings” have no justification

Nov 20, 2003

Father Gino Concetti, theologian of the official Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano, is denouncing the decision of the Massachusetts Supreme Court... Read more


Vatican clears up rumors of Fatima becoming an interfaith shrine

Nov 20, 2003

The world-famous Fatima shrine will not be turned into a multi-faith pilgrim center, confirmed a Vatican official yesterday. Read more


Lay dissident group remains banned from Boston Archdiocese

Nov 20, 2003

Despite a "positive" first meeting with Boston Archbishop Sean O'Malley, new Voice of the Faithful chapters are still banned from... Read more


U.S. Congress approves Medal of Freedom to Pope John Paul

Nov 20, 2003

A resolution in the Senate to award Pope John Paul II the Presidential Medal of Freedom passed without a single... Read more


Archbishop of El Salvador calls to vote for life in coming elections

Nov 20, 2003

The Archbishop Fernando Sáenz Lacalle of San Salvador, El Salvador, is calling on Salvadorans to cast their votes in the... Read more


Archbishop of San Antonio warns Catholics of Costa Rican cult

Nov 20, 2003

Archbishop Patrick Flores of San Antonio is urging Catholics to stay away from Costa Rican cult in which a former... Read more


Muslim fundamentalists attack Christian community in Iraq

Nov 19, 2003

The past week has seen numerous attacks by fundamentalist Muslims on Christians in Mosul in northern Iraq. “Last week a... Read more


Italy will not be intimidated by terrorist attack, says Cardinal Ruini

Nov 19, 2003

During funeral services for the 19 Italians who died in the attack on their post in Iraq last Wednesday, the... Read more


Dead Israeli men may father children

Nov 19, 2003

In a bizarre decision, Israel's Attorney-General Eliyakim Rubinstein has issued legal guidelines giving Israeli widows the right to harvest their... Read more


Catholic Media Declares "Theresa Schindler Schiavo Day"

Nov 19, 2003

The Catholic Media Coalition has declared Nov. 30, 2003 Theresa Schindler Schiavo Day and has sought support from the U.S.... Read more


Chewable contraceptive pills aimed at young girls get FDA approval

Nov 19, 2003

The U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA) issued its approval of a spearmint-flavored chewable contraceptive tablet Nov. 14. Read more


Jesus still bears the signs of the Passion, Pope says

Nov 18, 2003

Pope John Paul II said that Christ, ever-glorious, "still bears the signs of the passion, which is His true humanity,... Read more


Priests are called to holiness despite struggles, says Cardinal Castrillón

Nov 18, 2003

In the present international situation, Christians have to be in communion with God, said Dario Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, who inaugurated... Read more


Clergy Condemns Massachusetts Ruling on 'Gay Marriage'

Nov 18, 2003

Massachusetts' Catholic bishops are calling for the reversal of a ruling made by the Supreme Judicial Court yesterday, which overturns... Read more


"Jane Roe" travels to Uruguay to help resist legalization of abortion

Nov 18, 2003

The woman used by feminist lawyers who argued in favor of the legalization of abortion on demand in the United... Read more


Bishops of Argentina comment on Free Trade discussions and ask lawmakers for meaningful reflection

Nov 18, 2003

The Bishops Conference of Argentina published today a document on the challenges of the Free Trade Area for the Americas,... Read more


Parish life is “central and irreplaceable” for the Church, Pope says

Nov 17, 2003

In a message sent to the Italian Bishops’ Conference (CEI) currently gathered in Assisi, Pope John Paul II stressed the... Read more


Vatican calls on Muslims to be builders of peace in end-of-Ramadan message

Nov 17, 2003

In the annual message from the Pontifical Council for Inter-religious Dialogue to Muslims on the occasion of the end of... Read more