America's highest court is expected to decide Nov. 3 whether it will review an Alabama case involving the public display of the Ten Commandments.

The Thomas More Law Center submitted a brief with the Supreme Court of the United States last week, petitioning the court to review a lower court decision to remove a public monument of the Ten Commandments.

The brief argues that the attack on the Ten Commandments is based on the 1980 Supreme Court case of Stone v. Graham. The court ruled that a Kentucky law, which required the Ten Commandments to be posted on public school walls, was unconstitutional. Since then, lower federal courts have used this decision to remove such monuments throughout the nation. The Supreme Court, on the other hand, has not decided a case involving the Ten Commandments outside of a public school context.

Richard Thompson, chief counsel of the Law Center, said this fight over the monument represents a much larger battle over the future of religion in the U.S. He said the debate has surfaced the hostility towards Christianity and the country's religious heritage.