The Alternatives abortion clinic in Atlantic City, New Jersey, opted to surrender its license to the state instead of correcting the list of health violations detailed in a 116-page report.

Atlantic City Councilman John Schultz, who leased the facility to Alternatives, said the clinic's equipment was emptied out of the building last month and the space is available for lease.

The state's report detailed a slew of violations at the clinic, including bloodstained operating tables, expired drugs and the absence of a sterilization sink.

"The situation at Alternatives is a snapshot of the condition at abortion mills across the country. Clinics have been recently closed for filthy and unsafe conditions in Ohio, Alabama, Florida, and Kansas. Abortion clinics in Missouri are fighting laws that would make them clean up or force them to close," said Cheryl Sullenger," Senior Policy Advisor for Operation Rescue.
The fact that these clinics would rather close than clean illustrates in a dramatic way just how dangerous abortion mills really are," said Sullenger. "And even if they did comply with safety standards, they have illustrated an attitude of disregard for the health and safety of their patients that doesn't go away with clean floors and sanitized instruments.”

The June 22 inspection was the first time the clinic had been surveyed by health officials in six years, although Health Department rules require inspections of licensed clinics every other year.

Alternatives abortion clinic owner Dr. Alan Kline, who also owns the Princeton Women's Center in Princeton, has not been willing to comment since the closing.