A group of young people led a peaceful protest against the participation of Bishop Emeritus Samuel Ruiz of San Cristobal de las Casas in the World Forum of Cultures, which is being held in Monterrey and features as one of its keynote speakers liberation theologian and former priest Leonardo Boff.

The Forum takes place every four years and aims to propose solutions to problems related to “cultural diversity, knowledge, peace and sustainability.”  However, many observers said the first one held in Barcelona in 2004 was a complete failure.

The young people protested outside while Bishop Ruiz participated in a panel discussion on inter-religious dialogue.  Jose Torres, one of the protesters, requested but was denied an interview with the bishop and told reporters, “When pastoral ministry is centered almost exclusively on material questions, it can even wipe out the hunger for God in people.”

He pointed out that when Bishop Ruiz left the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas, more than thirty percent of the children had not been baptized.