Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, President of the Pontifical Council for the Family, is warning that Spain is at risk from the spread of neo-paganism, which is becoming more prevalent in some European countries.

“In some countries of Europe, there is a temptation to embrace neo-paganism, and although I do not believe that Spain is immediately at risk, nevertheless the risk exists because in today’s world everything gets passed around,” said the Cardinal as he concluded a visit to Valencia for preparations for the next World Meeting of Families, which will take place there in 2006.

Referring to the family, the Colombian Cardinal said that “in some places the family is under attack by legislators who promote laws that are unjust, if not evil, and which harm the family rather than help it.”

Moreover, he said, “There are leaders with a lot of rhetoric about the family, but in fact the laws they push are not in conformity with authentic family policy.”

Concerning the role of the media and the family, Cardinal Lopez Trujillo said some media outlets “do not believe in the family, in faithfulness, in the possibility of lasting marriage, in motherhood, and their message weakens the family, which is the principal hope of a people.”

The Cardinal insisted that “apart from the family there is no way to provide a complete education to the human person” and he wondered “if life styles that contradict human and Christian values flourish among young people, what will become of society in the future?  What assurance is there that they will accept marriage? With what spirit of loyalty and lasting and committed love?”  

Lastly, Cardinal Lopez Trujillo called on society to prepare itself “to form the next generations through the responsible education of children.”  If not, “you can have millions of euros but lack the true treasures that make a nation rich in the authentic values of the person.”

Meanwhile, Valencia’s mayor, Rita Barbera, told the Cardinal the city is ready to provide all the necessary services to make the celebration of the World Meeting of Families a great success.

She expressed to the Cardinal her “satisfaction” at the election of Valencia as host of the event and asked that her thanks be conveyed to the Holy Father.

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