This morning the Holy Father received the 33 new members of the Swiss Guard to be sworn in this afternoon. He expressed his gratitude for their “service to the Successor of Peter.” He noted that the commitment of the Swiss Guard is demanding and “perhaps sometimes tiresome” but will be rewarded by God.

The Pope spoke in German, French and Italian, and exhorted the soldiers to "always be faithful to your mission, carefully cultivating the ideal of love for Christ and the Church which your families and Christian communities in Switzerland strive to constantly nourish.”

He asked for their prayers and spiritual support for his upcoming trip to Switzerland on June 5-6, where he will meet with Swiss youth and also former members of the Swiss Guard.

The Holy Father expressed his hope that the “humble service” of the Swiss Guard will be a witness that stimulates those who encounter them, members of the Roman Curia and pilgrims, to be stimulated to embrace the true meaning of our life: to
discover and make known God's love for each one of us!"