In order to mark the 40th anniversary of the encyclical Populorum Progressio, more than one hundred delegates from various Catholic NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) will meet at the Vatican to participate in the second World Congress of ecclesial organizations that work for justice and peace.

The meeting of Catholic NGOs, which include those that have the important status of observers at the United Nations, will take place November 30-December 2.

The Congress will be entitled, “The Holy See and Catholic-inspired NGOs: Presence, Impact, Difficulties and Challenges in the International Arena.”

According to the program, participants will include Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Holy See’s UN Observer Archbishop Celestino Migliore and Archbishop Andre Dupuy, papal nuncio to the European Community.

Among the NGOs expected to attend include Caritas International, the Institute for Family Policy from Spain and the Society for the Protection of the Unborn from the United Kingdom.

Participants will have an audience with Pope Benedict XVI on Saturday, December 1.  The closing of the event will be led by Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, Vatican Secretary for Relations with States.