Several Catholic groups are protesting a lecture that a former Illinois governor, who holds pro-abortion views, is scheduled to give at a Catholic university today.

Former Governor Jim Edgar vetoed a ban on taxpayer funding of abortion during his two terms from 1991 to 1998. He is scheduled to give a lecture today at St. Xavier University in Chicago on "Centering Yourself in Public Life" – an issue unrelated to pro-abortion issues.

However, the Catholic Citizens of Illinois released a statement yesterday denouncing Edgar's appearance at the university and encouraging Catholics to protest Edgar's appearance.

A member of the university's Board of Trustees, former State Senator Patrick O'Malley also voiced his concern about the former governor's appearance and sent the newly-appointed university president Dr. Judith Dwyer a letter, asking that the invitation to Edgar be withdrawn.

Other St. Xavier financial supporters who agree to a formal policy restricting pro-abortion politicians from access to the university facilities have joined O’Malley.

In a show of protest, George Ferrell and Bill Callaghan and their wives declined to be the forum hosts when they were informed of Edgar’s views on abortion.

Jim Finnegan of Vote Life America, an organizer in the lecture protest, said Edgar's position on life and family issues while he was in office should keep him from addressing the university.