The Holy Father spoke on Sunday, at the weekly prayer of the Regina Caeli with pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square, about the responsibilities to be taken by parents in order to ensure that access to information and media serves rather than damages family life.

Recalling that on this Sunday many countries celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord as well as the World Day of Social Communications, the Pope said that the Church “wants to establish a frank and open dialogue with those who work in this field in order to encourage their commitment to humanity’s authentic progress.”

John Paul II recalled the theme of this year’s World Day of Social Communications, “The Media in the Family: Risk and Enrichment,” and said that “thanks to modern technology, many families are able to directly access the vast resources of communication and information, and to take advantage of the opportunity to educate, be culturally enriched and to grow in the spirit.  However,” he warned, “the media can do serious damage to the family when they offer an inadequate vision or a deformed vision of life, family, religion and morality.”

“Therefore,” he continued, “it is necessary to learn how to use the media wisely and prudently. It is a duty that concerns all parents, who are responsible for providing a healthy and balanced education of children.  It is also a duty of public institutions who are called to create regulations that assure that the media always respect the truth and common good.”

After greeting pilgrims in different languages and praying the Regina Caeli, the Pope said that on May 29, eve of the Solemnity of Pentecost, he will preside at 6 p.m. in St. Peter’s Basilica at the celebration of Vespers.  “I invite all the faithful,” he said, “in particular those who belong to the movements of renewal in the Spirit, to participate in the prayer vigil in order to invoke upon us and on all the Church an abundant effusion of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”