The Family Policy Institute of Cataluña, Spain, is calling for a popular referendum, which would demonstrate if it is the will of the people to strike down proposed legislation in the Spanish province that would legalize the adoption of children by homosexual couples.

The President of the Institute, Liberto Senderos, congratulated the Spanish Bishops Conference for taking a stand in defense of the rights of children to have a father and a mother, and he called on “other religious confessions, as well as civil society in general, to publicly manifest their rejection of this edict that would give children to homosexual couples.”

Senderos said he hoped the support for bills opposing the measure—one of which will be sponsored by the Institute—will make the government forget about such and unpopular measure.

“It is unbelievable that those who complain about the government’s lack of sensitivity to a group of persons who are so cruelly treated by fate as are adopted children, are insulted and ridiculed, and worse yet, falsely accused of intolerance and homophobia by small groups that make a lot of noise,” the Institute said in a statement.