Pro-life activists say U.S. President George Bush is still on-target when it comes to issues regarding the culture of life, despite a comment he made at a press conference Oct. 28 that the U.S. is not yet ready to ban all forms of abortion.

Carrie Gordon Earll, bioethics analyst at Focus on the Family, agrees and said she would have given a similar response had she been asked the same questions by the press.

"What we have is a country that has had legalized abortion for 30-plus years – about the lifetime of one generation," Earll explained. "It is going to take time and education and effort to get everyone to see that abortion is a bad thing – it's bad for women, it's bad for children, it's bad for the culture.

"But if you were to put it to referendum right now, for Congress or the public, we would probably not win a complete ban on all abortions," she speculated.

At the press conference, Bush said he plans to go ahead and sign a bill banning partial-birth abortion, which was recently passed by Congress.