The Order of Canada Advisory Council has voted to award the Order of Canada to abortionist and militant atheist Dr. Henry Morgentaler. Some Members of Parliament and others are reportedly moving to attempt to stop the bestowal of the award, calling the decision inappropriate and unpopular.

The award is scheduled to be bestowed on Morgentaler on July 1, Canada Day. Morgentaler is sometimes referred to as “Canada's Father of Abortion” and “Canada’s Father of Secular Humanism,” according to He is responsible for Canada’s elimination of laws restricting or regulating abortion.

In February reported that a group of abortion supporters were trying to force Dr. Morgentaler’s nomination for the award in a “last ditch effort.” A public furor resulted, ending quickly when a February 20 press release from the office of the Governor General, who is responsible for the award, showed Morgentaler was not on 2008’s nominee list.

A June 28 e-mail from the organization 4MYCANADA reports that the normal Order of Canada award advisory process may have been changed. According to 4MYCANADA, the approval committee normally awards the honor by unanimous consent.

“From what we understand at this point,” 4MYCANADA says, “this committee, headed by Chief
Justice Beverly McLachlin, PC, decided to over-ride that protocol and take this one to a democratic vote on the committee. The majority of the committee voted in favor of Morgentaler's nominee and so, for (what we understand) may be the first time in history, the committee appointed someone without their normal unanimous consent - someone who millions of Canadians would not consider a hero in our nation."

Many pro-lifers have critically responded to the selection of Morgentaler for the award, the announcement of which comes over Canada’s major annual holiday weekend.

"It is dreadful that this honor should even be considered for a man who's only claim to fame is that he is a professional killer of defenseless babies in their mothers' wombs," said Jim Hughes, National President of Campaign Life Coalition. "Those who have received this prestigious medal should return it because it will have been devalued and disgraced.”

"If Morgentaler had any integrity he would refuse the medal", said Mary Ellen Douglas, National Organizer of CLC. "This presentation should be given to people who have made Canada a better place to live and the elimination of thousands of human beings who would have contributed to the future of Canada is a disgrace not an honor."

Columnist Douglas Farrow, in an article in the National Post, reports "the decision, which is to be announced in time for Canada Day, is clearly not driven by popular demand. For example, an online poll by the Globe and Mail, with over 300,000 respondents, went 92% to 8% against giving the award to Morgentaler."

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