Alberta’s bishops urge Catholics to participate in discussions on the province’s educational reforms in order ensure that Catholic education and its mission are preserved.

“Catholic education is an enduring gift in our community and central to the mission of the Church,” said the Alberta bishops in their recent pastoral letter, written in response to the final report of the Alberta Commission on Learning, released Oct. 7. The report made 95 recommendations for improving education in the province.

“As the recommendations are being studied by government, we urge all Catholics to work closely with their local school boards to fully understand the report and how it supports the common good of all Alberta's children,” said the bishops.

They encouraged Catholics to engage in “careful discussion… concerning shared school facilities, amalgamation of school boards and taxation,” with government and school authorities.

“Implementation of these recommendations will require our vigilance and input,” they said. “We must all study this report to ensure the enduring gift of permeated Catholic education is preserved for our children today and all generations of children.”

The bishops said Albertans and government representatives increasingly see the value of the unique role of Catholic education.

“With Catholic education we teach that all meaning is ultimately rooted in a living relationship with God through Jesus Christ,” said the bishops. “This is what it means to say that our schools must be places permeated by the Gospel.”