Action star Chuck Norris has written an essay defending the right to life, attacking Sen. Barack Obama’s stand on abortion and urging voters to “vote their values” in the upcoming election.

Writing for WorldNetDaily, Norris disagreed that abortion is an “old” issue that should be dropped.

“We can't just be concerned about our finances,” he wrote. “We also must be concerned about America's future and those who will occupy it. Our posterity matters. Their rights matter. And that includes their ‘unalienable Rights,’ with which they have been ‘endowed by their Creator,’ and among them are the quintessential rights: ‘Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness’.”

Denying that abortion is about a woman’s “right to choose,” Norris insisted abortion is instead about a “more fundamental” right to life, adding that such a right is identified in the Declaration of Independence and in the U.S. Constitution.

“It is a violation of government's primary purpose: to protect innocent life,” he continued.

The action star then cited Thomas Jefferson, who in 1809 wrote: “The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

Norris argued that Jefferson’s belief should still stand today, adding that “our next president needs to uphold those same concerns, not say that such arenas are ‘above his paygrade’.”

Norris attacked Obama’s stand on abortion, claiming the Democratic presidential candidate has “the most liberal views and voting record on abortion of any president in American history.”

Norris cited Obama’s opposition to legislation similar to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, which protects infants who survive an abortion attempt, and also noted Obama’s opposition to the partial-birth abortion ban and parental notification laws.

“He does not support the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer funding of abortion through Medicaid,” Norris continued, citing Obama’s 2007 promise to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to sign the Freedom of Choice Act.

According to Norris, the Freedom of Choice Act would again legalize partial-birth abortion.

“With the next president likely adding two justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, it is clear that as president, Obama would appoint and support the most liberal judges and legal eagles, resulting in a pro-abortion advantage in our courts that would push abortion liberties to every extent of the law and land,” Norris claimed.

Chuck Norris then argued that the Founding Fathers held that humanity is special and unique.

“We need to get back to a view of humanity that emphasizes the immortal worth of every human being,” Norris urged, noting that he has dedicated an entire chapter to the reclamation of the value of human life in his book “Black Belt Patriotism.”

“Winning the election is not just about what the underdogs -- such as John McCain and Sarah Palin, two maverick pro-life advocates -- should do. But it's about what the citizens who are fighting for the underdogs can do. We the people must stand up, go back to the basics, and once again vote our values,” Norris concluded.