In a strongly worded statement, the president of the Bishops Conference of Peru, Bishop Hugo Garaycoa Hawkins, is challenging Health Minister Pilar Mazzetti to a public debate concerning the morning after pill.

Bishop Hawkins brought the issue before the “National Accord,” a forum made up of representatives from all levels of society that works for reconciliation and development in the country.

“The Catholic Church is pleased that the National Accord forum has welcomed this proposal to dialogue about the effects of the Emergency Oral Contraceptive—known as the ‘morning after pill’—and the dangers it represents for human life,” the statement said.

The text also explains that the forum “decided that both sides would describe and present their documented evidence.”

“As this is an issue of interest to the public and of a scientific nature,” the statement says, “we suggest the debate take place in an academic environment such as the University of St. Mark, on a day and time agreed to by both parties.”

Bishop Hawkins also announced that “the results of this debate will be presented to the National Accord forum and be made available to the media.”