Early Wednesday morning explosions were heard outside the entrance to the residence of the Archbishop of Santa Cruz, Cardinal Julio Terrazas. No one was injured, and police are investigating the incident.

According to the ATB television channel, the entrance to the cardinal’s residence was partially destroyed.  A neighbor said, “We heard a strong explosion…They wanted to attack our Catholic cardinal.”

The incident took place at 12:30 a.m. local time. Firefighters arrived at the scene soon after, followed by the police, who quarantined the area and began investigating. According to the media, a security plan was activated throughout the city, covering all of the main departure points.

Reports said three men and a woman in a silver Toyota Starlet were seen in the area at the time of the explosion.

Cardinal Terrazas, who is recovering from a heart surgery, was not home at the time. The archdiocese or the Bishops’ Conference is expected to make an announcement about the incident.