As a new law granting full marital status to homosexual unions is set to be implemented beginning next year, the Bishops Conference of Spain has issued a statement defending authentic marriage and rejecting the new law as dangerous to people, society and the legal system.

At their June meeting, the bishops’ Executive Committee approved the statement entitled, “In Favor of True Marriage,” in which they explain the Church’s teaching to society, the faithful and in particular, to Catholic politicians.

The statement recognizes the “inalienable dignity” of all homosexuals, and therefore, says they deserve the same rights as every other citizen.  “As Christians they are called to participate in the life and mission of the Church,” it adds, condemning at the same time “expressions or behaviors that damage the dignity of these persons and their rights.”

“If the State proceeds in granting legal status to marriage between persons of the same sex, the institution of marriage will be seriously affected.  To make counterfeit money is to devalue true money and place the entire economy in danger.  Likewise, to make homosexual unions the equivalent of true marriage is to place the institution of marriage in danger of dissolution, and with it, the social order,” says the statement.

The Spanish bishops exhorted all, “especially Catholics, to do everything that is legitimately in their power in our democratic system to make the laws of our country favorable towards the only true form of marriage.”

“The Catholic lawmaker has the moral duty to clearly and publicly express his or her disagreement with this law which seeks to legalize in some way homosexual unions,” they added.

In the conclusion of the statement, the bishops said the Church “recognizes the sacred value of all true marriage, including the marriages of those who do not profess our faith” and they reiterated their commitment to “strengthening the marriage institution,” while at the same time they called for respect and loving kindness towards homosexual persons.