The ordination of V. Gene Robinson as a bishop of New Hampshire by the Episcopal Church U.S.A. must be undone immediately, said the National Clergy Council in a statement released yesterday.

In the statement released, the council said that, through the ordination of the first openly gay bishop in the U.S., some bishops within the Episcopal Church have broken with universal Christian moral teaching and have closed their doors to Christians who remain faithful to church and biblical tradition.

"We find that it is now impossible for traditional Christians to feel welcome in fellowship on any level with the radical bishops, priests and members of the Episcopal Church who condoned and participated in this supremely immoral act,” read the statement.

The council, which represents more than 5,000 church leaders, “expressed deep sadness” over the ordination.

"We humbly and prayerfully call on those responsible for Mr. Robinson's elevation to acknowledge their wrongful actions, immediately undo them, repent of their sins, and reunite with the historic Christian church," it said.

The statement’s signatories include representatives from the following churches: Evangelical Church Alliance, Methodist Episcopal, Reformed Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Full Gospel Baptist, United Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal and Assemblies of God.