Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Abelardo Alvarado of Mexico City has denounced abortionists and feminists for the use of euphemisms to cover up their support for legalized abortion in Mexico.

The bishop denounced the play-on-words used by “abortionists in general, especially feminists.”

“They don’t speak of abortion but rather the ‘voluntary termination of an unwanted pregnancy,’ and everybody swears they are not in favor of abortion itself. But they do not recognize the value and dignity of human life as a principle value. They all worry about defending the pregnant woman and nobody worries about defending the human being who is going to be born,” he remarked.

Regarding the reasons these groups use to justify the legalization of abortion, Bishop Alvarado noted that they try to present it as “the most convenient” option for women.

“It is easy to go from supporting legalization to claiming that it is a woman’s right,” he said.

“To say a woman has a right over her own body is true to a certain extent,” the bishop said. “But in the case of abortion, the woman is making a choice about a being that, as has already been said, is not her, it is another being, although temporarily inside of her.”