After the recent murder of four Christians in the city of Mosul, Iraq, the Chaldean Patriarchal Vicar of Baghdad, Bishop Shelmon Warduni issued a dramatic call to halt the massacre of Christians in the country. “Help us continue to not only bear witness to the Gospel as we have done for centuries, but also to continue being what we are: Iraqis!” he exclaimed.

Speaking to the site "Baghdadhope," Bishop Warduni said, “The Iraqi Christian community must not die...We, Christians, are innocent victims. We never hurt anybody, we just want to live in peace in our country. If someone doesn't want us here, if someone wants to uproot us from our land, tell us, otherwise leave us in peace.”

The bishop said he prays God will open the minds and hearts of those who commit such crimes against “goodness and truth.” He then denounced the government for “not doing anything to stop this massacre.”

After calling on the international community for help, Bishop Warduni addressed Iraqis living in the United States urging them “to write to your representatives in Congress,” reporting “our requests for help.”