At the end of the Angelus prayer after celebrating Mass in Loreto with 250,000 faithful, mostly members of the lay movement Catholic Action, in which he beatified three Servants of God and members of Catholic Action Fr. Pedro Tarres i Claret, Alberto Marvelli, and Pina Surian, Pope John Paul II entrusted three “assignments” to the Church’s laity.

"The first,” he said, "is 'contemplation': commit yourselves to walking on the path of holiness with your eyes fixed on Jesus, the one Master and Savior of the World.

"The second is 'communion': seek to promote the spirituality of unity with the pastors of the Church, with all your brothers in the faith and with other ecclesial groups. Be leaven of dialogue with all men and women of good will.”

“The third assignment is 'mission': As lay people, bring the leaven of the Gospel into homes and schools, into places of work and of recreation. The Gospel is the word of hope for the world," said the Pope.