Nearly one million Spaniards marched in cities across the country on March 7 defending the right to life of the unborn and demanding that the government revoke Spain's new law on abortion recently passed by the Senate and signed by King Juan Carlos.

Over 300 pro-life organizations collaborated in the “International March for Life 2010,” which was held last Sunday in numerous cities across Spain.

The largest march took place in Madrid, where 600,000 people, including many families, dressed in red t-shirts and carried signs and banners. The protesters marched from Cibeles Plaza to the Gate of the Sun.

The event in Madrid concluded with the reading of a manifesto by journalist Sonsoles Calavera demanding the government revoke the new law on abortion—now the most liberal in all of Europe.

In other cities such as Burgos, 5,000 people took part in the march, while 7,000 took to the streets of Seville.