Following a press conference on Monday to present a new book, Archbishop Nikola Eterovic announced that Pope Benedict XVI will soon release an apostolic exhortation on the Bible. The exhortation will address themes presented at the most recent general assembly of the Synod of Bishops.

In October of 2008, the Synod of Bishops met in the Vatican to discuss the relationship of the Word of God and the Church.

According to the secretary general of the Synod, Archbishop Eterovic, Catholis can expect the document from the Holy Father after Easter, according to Rome Reports.

Of the post-synodal exhortation, he said, "It is addressed to the whole Church and all people of good will. The pope will invite all to read the Word of God to find Jesus Christ, The Path, Truth and Life for everyone."

The archbishop was presenting the book "The Word of God. Reflections on the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops" in which he documents the discussions of the assembly of 2008 pertaining to the meaning of the Bible today and ways to better understand Sacred Scripture, in addition to teachings from Pope Benedict XVI.