The International Pro-life Congress concluded this week in Madrid with the creation of a European-Latin American Pro-life Foundation, which marks a new level of “cooperation and assistance for the financing of projects of common interest between pro-life groups on both sides of the Atlantic.” 

According to sources the foundation will be headquartered in Madrid and its first Director will be Alberto Martín.

Leaders also decided to launch the Network of Institutions for Women In Need, which will “defend the fundamental rights and freedoms of all women in international forums.”  Cristina Gonzalez de Delgado was elected its first director.

A final statement issued by the Congress calls on “all citizens, and especially those in authority or who have the ability to promote and defend a culture of life, working together with the media,” to promote “respect for human life from conception to natural death, reminding all that this is a basic right without which other rights have no meaning.”

Congress participants made the commitment to “continue reminding society that abortion is a homicide that, even though legal in certain countries and circumstances, directly takes the life an unborn human being, and as such is incompatible with the basic ethical norms.”