Cardinal Renato Martino, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, told the Italian daily “La Stampa” yesterday that the world has already entered into “the Fourth World War.”

The Cardinal explained that after the first two World Wars came the Cold War, a true war, he said, even though it didn’t follow the usual patterns.Cardinal Martino pointed out

that with terrorism, “a new war exists which involves the entire world, because we don’t know when we leave this hotel if something might happen, or when we board a bus or when we go to a bar.  The war is around each one of us.”

Regarding the attack on the school in Beslan, Russia, Cardinal Martino said the international community needs to discover the motives for which “26 terrorists have carried out this horrific massacre.”

“The international community must examine and search for a solution as to what provoked this explosion. And force alone will not work. Military power is not what is going to win,” he added.