Pope Benedict XVI sent a telegram to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev expressing solidarity with the victims of the terrorist attacks in Moscow yesterday.  According to media reports, 39 people died and more than 100 were injured when female suicide bombers detonated bombs on two Metro trains in Russia's capital city. 

Chechen rebels are suspected, but no group has taken responsibility.

In his message, the Holy Father wrote that upon “hearing the news of the attacks in Moscow, where numerous people lost their lives, I express my deep sorrow and strong condemnation for such acts of violence. I wish to express my feelings of great solidarity, spiritual closeness and my condolences towards the families of the victims."

Benedict XVI assured the faithful in Moscow of his "fervent prayers for the lives lost, and I invoke heavenly consolation upon all who mourn this tragic departure, that they would be welcomed into heaven.”

Finally, the Pontiff sent his blessing, “thinking particularly of those who are injured.”