During the Chrism Mass last week in the Lima Cathedral, Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani said the best response to the attacks on Pope Benedict XVI and the Church by the media is prayer. “Prayer is the main weapon the Holy Spirit provides” to the faithful, especially to priests, he noted.

During the Mass, in which over 200 priests renewed their priestly promises, the cardinal lamented the media attacks on the Holy Father. He added that the Pope has been “mistreated by enemies of the Church, with unusual disrespect for the truth and an incredible display of cynicism. It is evident that harming the Church is what is behind this attack.”

“We children of the Church cannot remain silent.  Prayer is the main weapon the Holy Spirit provides us.  Let us pray for the Pope, for the Church, for the bishops, for priests and for those in consecrated life. Let us seek strive greater personal sanctity,” he said.

“Our mother the Church asks all of her children to live in unity with greater determination,” the cardinal continued.

He also warned against being contaminated by “an age that trivializes everything and seeks to silence the Church and her priests. It is a time to especially show our faith, hope and charity.”