In an effort to raise funds in support of missionary priests, a Catholic charity is urging the faithful in the United Kingdom to offer Masses in honor of the Pope and his upcoming visit to the area.

As an incentive to donate to their charity, Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is compiling a list of names of those who participate and will present a commemorative book to the Holy Father or his U.K. representative when he visits this September.

ACN reported on Monday that stipends from the Masses, for which there are suggested donation amounts, will benefit priests within the organization who do missionary work in countries were Christianity has been suppressed.

“At this moment, more than ever, our Holy Father and all priests need our prayers and support,” said Neville Kyrke-Smith, ACN national director on Monday.

“We must invoke the Holy Spirit and ask the prayers of our Blessed Mother to strengthen their faith and renew the priesthood,” he added.

The charity is placing a particular emphasis on the Middle East in response to Benedict XVI comments about how the Church is threatened in that region. ACN has been active in providing financial assistance to beleaguered Catholics in the area.

In addition to providing monetary assistance, ACN suggested that spiritual gifts, such as Eucharistic adoration or rosaries, can be offered in support of the Pope and the work of the organization.

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