The Archbishop of Edinburgh has promised prayers for the papal nuncio to Britain, Archbishop Faustino Sainz Muñoz, who suffered a stroke on May 17.

"I have advised the members of our (bishops’) Conference letting them know of the nuncio's illness and also asking for their prayers," said Cardinal Keith O’Brien in a statement.

"The Nuncio has been a great friend to us all here in Scotland, we have always welcomed his presence among us,” he continued, noting the nuncio’s appearance at a March 21 Mass in Glasgow to mark the fifth anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s election.

“On behalf of the Catholics of Scotland, I offer him the promise of our prayers for a steady recovery."

According to, the Spanish-born papal nuncio is 72 years old. He previously served as pro-nuncio to Cuba, nuncio to the Democratic Republic of Congo and nuncio to the European Community.